Thursday, December 30, 2010

Friends + Facebook is $Priceless$

As I sit here tonight and ponder on all the good news that I have been hearing, I can't help but smile.  Great friends finding that job they have been longing for, Great friends getting other great friends such meaningful gifts, watching the love, the dedication, the pure friendships that show on a daily basis.  To say that facebook doesn't play a huge part of so many rekindled relationships of all kinds would be a complete lie.  I am so grateful for social media and that is has brought so many people back together again.  I cherish all the relationships I have and look forward to the building of each one year after year.  I think we can all say that we can have a bad day, a good day, a challenging day or whatever day is brought to us and we know we have a support group right there at our fingertips to give us advice, hit that "like" button and share their thoughts as well.  We all joke about facebook in some sort of way or probably just say many times a day..but the reality is....It is amazing quite honestly. I, myself am blessed it is what it is.  I love to know what everyone is doing and that we all can share with everyone at one time due to all our busy schedules and to share pictures and stories about one another.  Some people are leery of this and some are completely against any sort of social media, but again...This is our future, this is where it all is and so everyone should probably jump on the techy train because this is nothing to what will be in store for our technical world. Speaking of technology....WGN 9 is having some major technical difficulties right now in the middle of Two and a Half Men...Really????
I look forward to spending more quality time with everyone and doing more things with everyone, school consumed my life along with a time consuming career as well, I have rid of both of those and can not wait to enjoy it with all.  I have such an amazing group of friends and I am blessed daily with all their presence.  Good things are in store for 2011 and I can't wait to see them all.  I have such an incredible feeling deep down about this year that I have never had before in my life, I can't explain but I can say it is GREAT! The feeling is in the air and for once, I am looking forward to everything!!!! Happy 2011 Everyone and lets all move forward together!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Money....What am I doing wrong? or.. am I doing it right?

Every day I wonder about something with money, as I am sure most of us do.  I am almost 40 and still not financially stable.  Yes, my paths in life were not what were planned the last 8 years and I definitely thought I would be somewhere else at this point.  I bought a house at 19, second house at 24, rented one of them out after I built mine.  I thought Man.....I am going to be so ahead of everyone when I am around 40.  Little did I know...that I would be filing bankruptcy and losing my home I raised my family in to foreclosure?  Again, I am never too proud to be honest.  I sincerely feel that all that I have gone through has made me such a better person and gave me such strength that I can now conquer anything that is put in front of me.  Of course, I would have liked to learn that a different way, but that is the way it happened.  I always seem to find a way to make things work, to come up with that money to get what I needed.  Maybe I didn't suffer as bad as some people may have, but that doesn't really matter, every one's problems are just as big as the next one, even if it may not be as substantial.  I managed to put myself through college, a good college at that, and continue to bust my butt working and raising three children on my own. It was definitely a struggle and I am done struggling and am ready to start bringing that money in.  Of course in the middle of a recession is not the best time to wish that, but it will happen.  I have too much ambition to seek out ways to do this.  I am not the kind that sits and tries to come up with an idea or scams though.  I look for something solid.  
Not that I obsess with what others have more than me or that I want to be something more materialistic at all, but I am most definitely tired of always seeing others spend this and that and wondering to myself, How the hell do these people afford this, when some are not working, or only one income, or a lot of children or big house, cars, etc.  I find myself obsessing with these thoughts at all times, it basically consumes me really. I can proudly say that I have no debt outside of my soon to be student loans and my car that has a few more payments left on it.  If I cannot pay for it with Cash (or my Chase debit card...I'm telling you GO NOW and open a Chase account) then I don't get it.  So, is that the answer?  Does everyone really manage and budget their money that well or are people charging and overspending?  Not that whatever choice you do is wrong, by all means, I am just curious.  I try to save, I try to be frugal.  Could I do both of those more?  Absolutely, I I going to? Absolutely, I am going to.
I cannot express the amount of growing I have been doing with myself, I think that in the last year, I have grown so much, learned so much and not just life lessons, but about Sheryl. This makes it all easier to accept the struggle and keep going.  Maybe I will be financially secure, maybe really secure, or really secure..or maybe I will always just be making it (OK, no way will I always continue that) but I won't stop reaching for more and more, that much I can say. I may read a status on Facebook about something someone bought or even someone going to the mall or a new car or whatever and I find myself each time saying to myself...Sheryl that will be you soon enough, you have worked too hard not to have it.  I truly believe I will be financially set soon enough. I do take in account that I didn't go to school until 37 and then have been raising my girls the last 2 1/2 years pretty much with no income coming from elsewhere. That includes all medical, medical premiums, all aspects of school, haircuts, shavers, feminine products (3 girls), clothes, and I don't need to continue but maybe "someone" will read this and realize what I have on my plate. But, I am responsible for all of this no matter what and so it gets taken care of no matter what. But, I can sure tell you, doing this alone......takes that money far faster than before.  One thing about that though is....I don't need a single soul to make it, I can take care of my girls alone and be fine.  I do not need to rely on someone to put food on the table or a roof over our heads.
I just want to stop the feeling of wanting to have more and the constant battle of budgeting, you have no idea of the nights I just sit and write out all my bills, income and budget per week because of all the unexpected events that come up that were not planned. NO MORE CHECK TO CHECK.
Yet, all this money talk, I can say that I am rich with love, hope and pure happiness.  That is far more rewarding than any type of money, buuuuuuuuuuuttt; I will still take the money :)
So, the point of all of this is that.......this is the year of financial relief for me, it already is actually before the real 2011, I need to just follow my learning’s and make the right choices as I usually do and give up my Dunkin Donut Iced Carmel Latte's
SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Your Lying to Yourself Right Now........

Sunday night, sitting here all alone.  The girls are all out and about and I am just relaxing and trying to enjoy some "Me" time.  Honestly, I cant wait to get to work tomorrow.  I am also done with winter, ready for the green to be back.  Now that I am single again , I have a void of course in my life and even though human nature is to fill that void...I am trying to avoid that.  I need to be exactly where I want to be in life or somewhat close to it. I have so many things I want to get done and see and do and accomplish.  I guess if something sprouts out of any of my life happenings, I will go with it. I don't like to be alone, but maybe that is what I need to do.  Even though I have been alone , I haven't been alone at this time in my life when things are going uphill instead of downhill. But....I would love to be living life with someone instead of without someone.  I have recently learned so much about myself and so many things that I need to concentrate on after this realization.  I have been going through life living as I was taught or what I was given. I see now why I do things the way I do or why I see things the way I see them, why I have certain walls up and won't let them down. We all have problems and issues we need to work on and if you don't , well are just lying to yourself right now.  Everyone can afford to make something better, or better something that is already good.  I am trying to do this in several different aspects of my life and I will succeed in those changes immediately.  It is such a relief to be able to admit fault, because then it is easier to move forward and make all necessary changes.  Sometimes I feel like I am asking for too much in life or maybe relationships, but I know I really am not.  I know what I want or more so, I know what I need.  I look at it as this: I was married and got divorced for several reasons but the biggest one being something that I could have been stronger about, but I accepted that was how it was going to be and I decided to move on.  I regret that move...I should have been stronger and stood my ground, but I didn't.  I did not have anywhere near the strength that I have now.  So, the moral of this , is that I will never settle for anyone or anything.  If I couldn't settle for the love of my life, my best friend and father of my children, then I will not settle for anything.  That is just a strong feeling I have and feel that is only fair to me and most importantly...the girls and in all honesty..My ex husband as well. I would live in guilt and I do not want that at all. That is something that I am sticking to for life I believe. Maybe nobody will be able to understand that, but I do and I guess that is all that matters. Of course, I am always open for discussion and opinions.
You know what I find funny about this blogging, is that no one really comments on here, but I get so so so many messages, emails, phone calls about them. So many people don't like to express or admit to express, but that is fine with me.  There has been a few people that starting blogging, many people that have messaged me to compliment me or comment on a blog, there has been many that have used a resource as well....So, to me, this is a success already...
Well My girls are home and I am having a conversation as well with one of my favorite peeps.  I hope all is well and everyone is recovering from the holiday. Remember, Always be true to your feelings and thoughts and face your issues, don't ignore and again,,,if you have none...Then ..You are lying to yourself right now!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

One Continuous Christmas Wish.................

Normally Christmas is such a very stressful time for me that I normally don't enjoy it.  This year is different, not  much has changed and I will be alone and single on Christmas Eve once again and that I do not enjoy.  This year has been a struggle and I have gone through some tragic moments, but they all turned out for the best in the end and I am so grateful for that.  A big part of my year is consumed with Walla-Pa-Looza and I could not be any more grateful to have that as part of my life.  Not only for the mere fact that we help so many and are building such a great organization that is just going to continue to prosper year after year, but...the friendships and the Walla family that we have is so amazing.  We have all reunited and it is like we have been together for our lifetimes. We all blend so well, we work so well together and reach for higher goals together as a team.  With all that in mind, that was my Christmas present to have such an amazing supportive group of friends in my life.  Thank you to all of you because I truly believe that I have grown and prospered this year because of having you all by my side.
I have one Christmas wish and it is the same wish for the past 5 years and that is that my ex husband, father of my children would find in his heart to just speak with me, talk to me and that we can raise our girls together. This hurts the girls so much and I have no other ways to reach to his heart to see this, I can admit that I am stuck and cannot get any further.  Cheyenne a few years ago gave him her Christmas list and all it said was "I want my Daddy to talk to my Mommy", his response to her was: That won't be able to happen, sorry! I don't think she will ever be over that.  I definitely have reason for this to be the opposite, but I want the best for the girls and so I continue to support them alone and ignore what the papers all say and keep going to avoid any more negativity in their life and will keep doing that.  I just wish that I could even call him and say "Merry Christmas Weeb" but it won't be able to happen.  I am not to proud to say that no matter what has happened or what will happen, I love him, he is the father of my girls, he was my High School Sweetheart and those feelings for me will never fade.  I simply want peace for us and for our amazing children.  It is not much to ask for them and as a mom, my hands are tied for the first time, I cannot change this.
I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, a very safe and eventful one as well.  This is such a great time to be able to really ponder on what you have and who is in your life.  For me, this Christmas will be to rebuild some stressed relationships and make it better from here on out.  I cannot wait to be with my family, sisters-brothers-parents-aunts-uncles-cousins-nieces-nephews.  Peace to all that are not with us anymore.  Again...I wish you all a very Merry Christmas....

Anxious Holiday Butterflies..........

I remember that anxious feeling the days before Christmas, so much excitement that you cannot sleep, you are restless and can't think straight.  I remember so vividly the thoughts I would have of what I was getting and the comfort of all of us opening gifts and everyone with smiles on their faces, no one fighting and just peace in the room, which was few and far between in my childhood.  As my girls get older, I know that excitement might (or maybe not) be somewhat gone.  They still have it, they still get so excited and happy and even though our house is for the most part fun and out going, this week is always extra smiley.  This year just seems different to me, I don't know if it is because things are better for me, or if everyone is just happier all together, but whatever it is .... It feels good, relaxing and rewarding.  Our plans are all going to be nice and smooth and I don't think it is as stressful as it normally is.  When you are in an atmosphere of parents no longer being together, it adds an immense amount of pressure and stress running to and from and trying to give equally while spreading yourself thin.  I know this oh too well from both sides.
Tonight we went driving around looking at Christmas lights, while I was driving....I couldn't help but think that these drives are not going to be here for many more years, this time goes so fast.  Cherish even the silly things like rides in the car.  Even though we were only in McHenry and Johnsburg and Bull 17 yr old was whining that she has to go to the bathroom, my 15 yr old whining that she is hungry....Really? That ride was hard to cherish I tell you...... Can I still do time outs with them?  I still try, but does not seem to work anymore, although I do still count to them and surprisingly...that does still work. Oh well, I guess I will just continue to cherish all our happenings.
My brain has not stopped with new thoughts, paths and adventures for 2011.  I want to start to throw some traveling in , focus on success in my career, build up family relationships, read, cannot wait for my guitar and lessons and kayaking as well..This is going to be a big year.  Although I have met so many of my life goals , there is one very big goal of mine that is pretty much out of my hands, but I plan on pulling out every card, every resource to reach that goal because it eats up so much of my energy and self being on a daily basis and I promise you I can't get it out of my head no matter what I do and I need that to STOP. The only way to get this to stop is to resolve it and that will be the 2011 HUGE Resolution.  Well, it is that time, I am off for the next 4 days so I need to get some sleep so we can have a nice holiday weekend of family, friends and good times.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lost in Lost Love..........

Does love really last forever? True love never dies? Are these in fact ... facts? Do we all look at love the same? We all say "I love that" on a daily basis, does that mean we really love that or we just have such a strong interest in whatever it is. These are questions I ask myself quite frequently.  I can honestly say that I have thought there was love in different areas of my life at different times in my life and I have been wrong or realized that it wasn't really the love that I thought or wanted it to be.  I am sure love means something different to all of us, I tend to look at is as: Someone or something that has a big impact on your life and that you would feel a great loss if you didn't have. Love makes me think and ponder. Love makes me smile and happy.  My thought is ; does this go both ways and if you love someone so deeply, so they love you back as well.  When we see this kind of emotion in movies...we see them running to tell that person how much they love them and it usually always has that fairy tale ending of the other person feeling the same way and they live happily ever after. If you did this same thing, would that be positive for you as well or would it be the biggest heart break you could ever have. Also, can you love more than one person at a time or better yet, can you let yourself love someone else if in your mind..........your heart belongs somewhere else and even though you cannot do anything about that, you still know where it belongs. I feel love is so strong, so strong that it can bind two people mentally without you really knowing it. My question is: Does that void ever get filled? truly get filled, not just covered up...actually refilled with that same love that once was there?  I don't believe it does, I don't think that it It can be the same.....what do you think?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Broke But Smiling :)

I am all done shopping, taking a juice break and relaxing a bit after my fast paced but productive day with my sister Denise.  It was nice to spend time with her and she even bought me Olive Garden for lunch :).  Thank you Sister!! Funds are going to be tight the next couple weeks I will say, but it is worth it.  I love buying christmas presents for the girls.  They did not put much on their lists this year so that I wouldn't get them as much, but they help me so much and are so understanding to my crazy work schedule and school schedule and they do not complain much and for that I am so appreciative and this is payback time for them.  I like to spoil them as much as I can on Christmas.  We were too late this year, but we have decided we are going to adopt  a family next year and buy presents for someone in need. Finances are such a hard task everyday isn't it?  I know it all too well.  I can finally hold my own now but still have some open chapters that need to be closed.  My goal was to have them all closed by Feb or March of 2011 and that goal will be met and I am happy for that.  I just can't wait for the day that I don't have to worry about money at all times, reality is though that I will still worry I think and I suppose you should always worry. Well I am off to wrap and get ready for my christmas party....I hope all of you have a great night!

Weekend with myself, so much to do!

Even though I am trying to get over my pneumonia, I still have a weekend full of things to do.  I still have a couple more items on the Christmas lists, I have wrapping to do, purchasing the ingredients for baking day, vacuuming, laundry, some work, phone calls, Christmas Party and finalizing of all holiday plans.  I have been home all week very sick.  I, of course have totally rested up knowing this is a busy couple weeks ahead.  I am going to start my day with a nice cup of coffee, then I am going to head out and finish up my shopping - come home and wrap all of it - get ready for my party (which I will be laying very low) and then back home to rest up for baking day.  This is probably one of my favorite days, because I have made it a tradition with my nieces and nephews and my children and we haven't missed one yet.  There is no fighting, everyone is smiling and laughing and having fun and being creative together.  My nieces and nephews mean the world to me and with everyone so grown up now, I cherish this time with each of them ranging from 1 to 22.  I intend to continue this even to my great nieces and nephews and so on (lets hope that doesn't happen for years to come yet though!) I took tonight to enjoy myself alone and I actually did.  That is quite a feat for me and I am kind of enjoying it for once.
     I do not have class until January 3rd, so I will enjoy a mini vacation before my last 8 wks of college. WOO HOO!! I am trying to lay out my plans here for my up and coming year.  It has been nonstop hectic for the last 3 years and prior to that , working and adjusting to the huge life change I had made.  This is going to be the first time in 9 years that I will have a normal life.  Of course still crazy but I will be able to take a breath and remember what I did or said earlier that day, I sure hope that is changes my forgetfulness I seem to be holding onto so much lately. I have noticed as well, that I am always rushing the girls on their stories and happenings. I am really looking forward to being able to concentrate more on them now and enjoy their lives more now, deeper now. We are very close, I by no means am ignoring them...we have meetings every week for that reason, but I want to really HEAR them and comprehend and hold onto it.  I am also hoping for my blood pressure to stay down and to get off this medication for it, this will be part of my new found health plan for my family.  I am looking at a number of changes for 2011 and I am very excited, extremely excited!! 2011 is a big year for us...Me graduating college, Brianna leaving for college, me, Bailey and Cheyenne starting a new transition with Brianna leaving, more quality time, new hobbies for all, new health plans and better quality of life. I am looking forward to it all. I am wishing a prosperous year for everyone, it has been a rough go for so many people this past year more so than normal.  I only hope that all will find what they need in life, whether that is a job, financial relief, is all out there waiting.
   I need to rest my exhausted body now for my busy rest of the weekend.  Mahalo!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Baking Links for those last minute bakers like us......

Sweet & Salty Snowmen Recipe
We all know it is the holiday season. Every year , I have baking day and it is just me and my nieces and nephews and any friends of theirs that show up.  It is always fun, they all always come and have fun, no matter how old they are.  Every year, I go and find cute, fun recipes and easy ones as well, so we don't loose any ones interest.  Everyone gets to take some and than we make plates up for the mail person/ garbage person, etc...I thought I would share my links that I have found this year in case anyone is looking for some fun ones and you are late bakers like we are, but I like our assorted goods to be nice and fresh...
These are all great , cheap to make as well. I will also add my Rum balls into this, which is from a good friend of mine, but those aren't so cheap....
Chocolate Truffles.....scrumptious
Fun Snickerdoodles....mmmmm my fav.
Simple wreaths
Meringue snowflakes...can't  wait for these, they look so cute
Cute Santa Hats
Gotta make Thumbprints
These are so darn cute,,(pic above)Publish Post
Also very excited about this one
Who doesn't love caramel?
and finally.......Toffee

Rum balls: (these are simply amazing)

2 1/2 C vanilla wafer crumbs (Nilla Wafers or similar)
1/2 C confectionerss sugar, sifted
1 C pecan halves finely ground
6 oz semisweet or bittersweet chocolate
1/2 C bourbon (I use Grand Marnier)
3 Tbsp light corn syrup
granulated sugar

1.  Combine cookie crumbs, confectioners's sugar, and ground pecans in a large bowl.
2.  Melt the chocolate in microwave or double broiler.  Stir in bourbon and corn syrup.  Add chocolate mixture to dry mixture and stir well.  Let sit for 30 minutes.
3.  Roll mixture between your palms into 1 inch balls, then roll in sugar to coat evenly.  Place balls in an airtight container, separating layers with foil or waxed paper and allow flavors to develop by sitting at room temperature at least overnight.

All of these, you can follow recipes of course or change them up a bit or cheat and buy the already made cookie dough ( I will be doing that for some of them) you can even get very good snickerdoodle mix as well.
I hope you all have fun and enjoy with all
Happy Holidays and Happy Baking !!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Every Day Struggle of the Once.. "Husband"

This is an issue that I was going to try and stay from but the bottom line is that this is a huge part of my life.  Better yet, I should say that because of this, it affects a huge part of my life. I married my high school sweetheart from the age of 15.  He actually proposed to me when I was in my Senior Year of High School at the age of 18 and I didn't think twice at saying yes... We saved our money for a home, skipped my senior prom and saved, saved, saved.  We moved out when we were 18 and 19.  After renting for a little over a year, we married at 20 and 21 in Hawaii.  We came back and bought our first home.  At 22, I was pregnant with my first baby, Brianna. At 24, the second one was on her way, Bailey.  At 25, the third and final daughter was going to be making an appearance, Cheyenne.  We were happier than you could ever imagine.  He worked for his dad as well as working on all his inventions that he seemed to come up with on a daily basis.  I was blessed to be an at home mommy and enjoy my girls 100% and that is sincerely what I did. They were and still are, of course to this day, my strength and inner power to continue down our path. We started our own printing business and were doing pretty good. He also became a local McHenry firefighter, which I was very proud of.

2001-2002 our marriage became a constant battle. Things were falling apart and changing rapidly.  I always asked myself “How do you know if you need or want a divorce" I didn't have the answer, so I took that as it was not the thing to do.  Eventually, we separated and our once beautiful marriage was never mended.  That question I always asked myself was quite clear now and I knew it was time.  There are no words to describe that choice, that decision.  It entails so many other lives, so many other issues in life.  We talked, worked together on everything with the girls, we even discussed dating and other people in our lives as the first years passed. It was so healthy and so great for the girls. The day we actually got divorced, we sat and had a long conversation in the court parking lot and we were laughing and being the best friends that we always were and we promised at that time that no matter what, we would always keep that and that our girls would always be number one.  I took that promise to heart, but too much surprise, that became the complete opposite. As much as I already know the reason for such a drastic change in thoughts and promises, I will steer away from those reasons, for it the fact here is that the promise was drastically broken.

I am hoping that this blog starts some talking with others that have similar issues to have someone that really understands. I could go on and on and on and on and on continuing this and bashing and bashing and I don't really want to do that.  I think my words states the places in my life that I am lacking financially without having to point fingers, or be a man hater or anything else that could be portrayed as an angry ex-wife. It is great to be able to discuss, because it is an everyday burden/pain and when you can discuss with other, you can find resolutions to dealing with what you have at hand.  Unfortunately, there are so many of us that struggle with this. If I had one thing that I could have right now, it would be to have even a talking relationship with my once Husband, Once Best Friends, and Father of my children.  I don't know if that void will ever be able to be filled.

I will end with, no matter what I have gone through, what I will go through....I do not regret anything, We created three beautiful children together and nothing could ever get better than that and ... nothing can ever take that away.  That is all I have to hold on to... Have a great night...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Do you have to accept everyone as they are?

Do you have to accept everyone as they are ? I have recently been asking myself this for a few people in my life. Sure,  you can accept them and ignore them and continue on knowing how this person is, which is what I have done my whole life, but not without sadness, pain, disappointment.  I have done this way to long and have just come to the conclusion that I simply need to understand why this happens instead of letting it get me worked up. As I have always told my girls when someone has been mean to them or someone has said something downgrading to them, people do this because they don't like who they are or they portray to be something that they truly are the complete opposite of.  Why does one do this? They do it because it is the only way to have the self esteem they need, it makes them feel powerful because this is the only way to actually see the power by actually hurting someone and having the satisfaction that they brought someone down.  Well the truth to this is, those people are actually the weakest link on the human chain.
I am almost 40 and should not be letting myself get in disarray over this, so I'm not going to.  I have way to many good people in my life to let this effect me in anyway anymore.  So, I guess my answer to this is NO, you don't have to accept people as they are, that doesn't mean that you have to rid of them, but Never let any person cause you pain and if they are, then you need to let them know this and then continue on.  Again, another lesson I have always taught the girls as well is "kill them with kindness", this works so well and of course I preach it and don't follow it. Well I will from here on out.  All these solutions are so easy if you just take the time to think it through, understand why people do things if you can and just be the better person.  The resolution within yourself is success, A person that can deliberately hurt others over and over are far from successful.  Success is not material as most people seem to think. success is being happy, making the absolute best of what you have , learning from your mistakes and carrying those lessons on to others. Having an ego bigger than Texas and a black heart = unsuccess.  So the helpful resource for this reading is: Always think before you speak and take time to pay attention to your attitude towards others and just maybe you will catch something that needs a drastic change.

Disable Break.....................

 This morning I logged into my blog to see my statistics as I do every morning and I notice that none of the ads are on the page, so I investigate and to my Google AdSense account was disabled for too many clicks in a short amount of time.  Well I know I haven't clicked on them ever and so I sent an appeal and explained that I don't understand what the reasoning is and that possibly my girls could have been looking at my blog on my laptop and clicked (which would be my IP address) and that my coworkers also look at it and that would also be a centralized location. I'm a bit mad about it, but I am still going to blog of course and continue on with what I was doing.  I have also done some extended research into other ad resources that are along the lines of AdSense.  So far, AdSense is #1 of is Google! I am hoping that it all works out and that I get reinstated.  I will keep everyone posted on the status of what happens.
  I am entering my last 8 weeks of college today, I can't believe it, I am so ecstatic over this.  I am certain that I am finally on the path of success in more ways than one.
  I had kind of a rough weekend, emotional weekend and it ended tonight with a very good conversation with just me and my girls.  I needed that and I must face a few new bumps in the road , but nothing that I haven't already been through.  I can't express the pain that I feel for them in some of the situations in their life that I can not do anything about. I just wish that one certain person would also recognize this and act the proper parent way and resolve it.
 It was my niece's first birthday and it is so awesome watching my little brother and little sister-in-law raising their children.  They are amazing parents and have great children.  I'm very proud of them! I even got to give them their baths last night and during that time, Auntie Sheryl also got to be the proud Aunt of her nephews first throwing up episode and even got to clean it up...What more could you ask for in a weekend? lol.
 Well, this blog was more of an update, busy weekend, very tired and work week ahead. I need to sleep.  I hope all is good and will return to fun blogging tomorrow.  Goodnight

Friday, December 10, 2010

Shushhhhhh............... Mayhew!

Tonight was an awesome night, very inspirational with a few added feelings brought on. An extended, powerful conversation with a very special person.  Everyday I learn something and more so.... it is days and happenings like this that really make me smile. I will just say this, the past is awesome! Whether bad, good, sad, be able to take all those learning's with you and turn it into something else is the only way to go.  Do you really learn lessons in your lives? I'm asking you this, I know my answer.  I believe so many people steer off their paths of lives in fear of facing the truth or facing their fears, it is easier this way.  I can't say that I didn't do the same for probably a good part of my life, but that is not the case anymore. Finding your inner strength is like finding a magic wand.  No joke! Even if your day or an event in life is horrific, that wand can turn it into something else, maybe not immediate, but it will happen.  I talk a lot, I am an open person to my daily happenings, I am a take charge kind of Chicky, but I can say ..... I don't share my deep hidden feelings with just anyone, well I can really say that I have only shared these with one person and the reason fully understand things, I feel you need to have that connection, that understanding.  Many of you would probably be shocked at what is in this little head of mine. I try and deal, not dwell but that is not easy all the time and the negative feelings can overcome quite fast and easy and all hell can break loose, but afterwards, I can always reflect and know I lost my cool and I know I should have stayed composed...BUT...the reason behind that blow out is still there and I have to tame it down again. As I have mentioned before, Music is what makes me keep going down my path, not just music, but I know I would not have made it through as easy without music.  I don't even think my family knows the importance of music in my life, maybe that is because they cannot take it seriously because I am the Queen of wrong lyrics.
I have thrived to make the life of my girls the easiest it could be, but at the same time, teach them how to deal with life's unfortunate events.  I can only hope that all my lessons to them , carry with them throughout their lives, and that they have a positive outlook on their childhood. We all make mistakes, we all go through times that we didn't make the right decisions and we will only be human and make many more.  As long as you learn from those and keep the lesson with you, you will still be on that existing path and not veer off.
Up until the last couple years, I have held onto a lot of emotions, issues, questions, concerns, pain...a lot of pain...and confusion to say the least.  All of these are still there, but not in the same capacity, now they are there but not burdening.  You may or may not understand and that is ok.
I am up at 2:00 am and I have a headache and a busy busy day tomorrow, I need to visit the dreamworld... (random again, sorry)
I will "Lay it Down" with ~ learn what you live, ~deal with the now and ~take on your future..
and...... this blogging and income from it is great but not as great as the Guess jean jacket hanging in my closet.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Spreading the Google AdSense Spirit

As I am so into this blogging and implementing Google resources left and right and by that I mean Google is amazing how they have so many resources available for you to prosper for free.  It is such a simple way to increase your income into your life in whatever way you need it.  And I think I can safely say that we all can use that right now.  As I have said before in my past blogs, you are the one in charge of who and what you are, again, you create your own paths.  Some things are a bit harder than others and some may seem unreachable, but you will never know if they are  if you don't at least give it a shot.  I have gotten so many and I mean so many emails, phone calls and messages on all of this blogging and I have several people already that have jumped into it, some that blogged and had no idea of how to implement and income from doing what they enjoy doing.  As I sit here in my cozy holiday atmosphere watching one of my favorite shows(C.S.I...and mainly because Derek is so gorgeous) and holding one of my parrots , I  have noticed something very different in my life and that is something that I have been battling for almost 9 years now.  That is being alone, some of you may know this about me, I cannot stand being alone.  I come from a large family and it just doesn't sit with me well to sit in a quiet room with no one around.  I have fought a lot of bouts of depression because of this.  The second my girls would leave to go spend time with their dad, I would weep and feel so lost.  This is something that I have not been able to rid of.  I know it sounds crazy, everyone seems to love their alone time...I used to when the girls were very little and I was married, but after my divorce that all changed.
With my new found glory, I am seeing much change in this crutch of mine.  I love not only sharing what I feel is important resources and important information, but in this short of time, I have already made a difference.  Let me rephrase that.... Others made their own difference and I just am happy that I was a part of that difference. And I wont lie, it is so fun to watch my profits live real time all day.  It is fun watching the numbers of my followers rise.  It wasn't so fun watching the negativity on my FB group page though, but I ended that quite quickly.  That was ok as well, it takes all kinds to make the world go around as we say.  A bit more drama than I wanted or expected but it brought more conversation and I think honestly he brought me some more exposure.  So thank you to the both of them :). I want Ice Cream right now...of course I have to throw in a random thought...because that is just me...Random Sheryl. I don't think I realized that I was so random until my guys at work pretty much didn't  and still don't let a day go without reminding me of that.  CHIPS and SALSA is a common saying in our place of work towards me.  I still don't know why it is chips and salsa but I guess that is the point...haha. Nonetheless I was trying to concentrate on that and gave up because ... well... that is me and I don't think I want to change that.
With the holidays right around the corner, I am gearing myself up earlier than normal to be done with my shopping, plan my annual bake day with my nieces and nephews and any other stragglers that always joins us, try and make it to the city for the second time this cold season to get to Lincoln Park Zoo to see the lights, attend holiday parties and just enjoy and ponder on the place in life that I am right now.  You should always take the time to ponder your own thoughts, needs and wants and make sure you keep those in mindsight view. ( I am pretty sure I just made that little phrase up), You should always stay in touch of course with your surroundings, family and community.  But you also need to remember that you are important as well. This is an important lesson I learned.  See, 2 hours just flew by and I think I am fighting an internet/FB virus.  I read too many status's today of sickies and I think I caught something from them... because I feeling a bit punk as well.  So , I imagine resting would be wise at this time. Hope all is well and good in your world.  Chips and Salsa to all of you.

Jolly-Pa-Looza 2010

Saturday night was another successful event organized and performed by Walla-Pa-Looza volunteers.  I am proud to be on the Board from day one.  Even though we started this organization with of group of people that knew one another, we still are building our group continuously.  We always have new faces volunteering and making a difference.  Every event we have, I am amazed as I look around the room at all the different people, people who I knew from all levels of school, people that are friends or family of volunteers, other groups and organization that donate their time and efforts for all our events.  And when one of the strong, amazing individuals walk up to our events that we have been so blessed to have given our financial assistance to, it fills your heart and makes you smile knowing that what you are doing has made a difference in so many lives.
Our Walla events have helped so many, not only financially but mentally, when you have a local organization giving financial assistance to local individuals and families it is a constant reminder of what you are surrounded by and who and what your community is really about.  If you have not been to one of our events, I strongly encourage you to not miss our next one....WP3 on July 30th, the strength and unity is simply something you do not want to miss out on.  Not only are we "Raisin Cash for Cancer" but we are each "Raisin our hearts and souls to make a difference in a positive note....we build our organization on Music. Music is such an important part of the majority of our volunteers and we bring that to the community and make such an incredible event.  It is a great feeling watching Walla-Pa-Looza grow and grow and being able to offer so much more to the community and to the individuals seeking much needed aide. We work side by side year round and I can honestly say that I have gained friendships that are beyond just best friends, these are friendships that will last a lifetime. They are my family.   I hope that every person that is reading this, will spread the word and mark your calendars, check out our website, educate yourselves on who and what we are.  Come out and make a difference with us, and I say "us" because without our community and wonderful donators, we could not exist. I thank everyone who came out to Jolly-Pa-Looza and cannot wait to see you at Walla-Pa-Looza! ROCK ON!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Friday Night Nerd Night

Do you ever sit and wonder what you are doing in life and where you will be going?  I do this often.  I am not sure if I want to just be alone for the rest of my life and do the things that I want to do with no issues.  I think that I finally know who I am and I want to enjoy myself and of course my girls, but they are going to be starting their own life paths within the next few years.  I have so many things that I want to do and so many years to make up of holding myself back from what I enjoyed.  As most of my friends went the opposite path that I did.  I graduated from H.S and bought a house, than got married at 20 and started a family at 23.  Than 12 years later getting divorced, graduating from college and all before 40.  My girls will be out of school in 4 years.  I have so many friends just started families or have young children.  I guess it is not bad that I went this way.  My plan is to travel if I can, of course I won’t be able to do much of that because I’m pregnant, but when the baby is born…I will.  My mind is always going and going and going on thoughts of what I want to do later in life.  I want to take in as much as I can and do as many things as I can.  I am blessed to be close to such an awesome City – Chicago – and by the time I get to explore as much as I want to, my little sister will be even more familiar being a city girl now herself.  I was down there this past weekend bringing her home and what an amazing, lifting feeling just being there.  I think too many people stay in one spot and don’t’ venture out.  I am not that person, yes I have been “tied” down if you will for many years raising my family, but the time is coming for Sheryl to really appear and I plan on taking it to the fullest extent.  I would love to do things with someone, but if it turns out that I am alone, I am good with that. Oh and by the way, if you don’t know me that well, I am a bit of a nut….I am soooooooooooo not pregnant, but it was fun to just write and I know I freaked some people out and that makes me smile J. A lot of people don’t know this, but I have such a love for the ocean, I sometimes feel that I was born there and taken away, kind of like a lifetime movie or something, I am quite different from my siblings, so maybe I better check into this.  So, the next best thing to the ocean since I can’t be there as much as I would like is a salt water tank, which I bought our family last Christmas…I love it, it is so so very relaxing to sit and watch.  I would like to add that it is so so very expensive as well, how hard is it to stay alive in this awesome tank that I built for you with all that sea life growing in the live rock and lives and, etc. These fish just die all the time, I think we have it down pat now, it is some major hard work.  Everyone told me that, but do I listen? Absolutely not, I always think I can troubleshoot and fix everything….I guess that is why I got into IT.  The only problem with that is what I can do and what I have done at home and for friends is nothing to what my guys do (my co-workers, I call them MY guys) I think I pretty much suck at it honestly, but I have a passion for it, so I will conquer it all, I’m very blessed to be able to have all of them to learn from. Plus , because I am so bossy, I decided that I am bypassing the tech work and I enjoy being the Boss Lady, I have a break from that at the level I was at right now and one step up from that at this point, and I miss it already.  I have become a control freak in my aging process.  I don’t know if it is because I’m just a jerk or if I will never let anyone have any control of me again in my life but whatever it is, that is who I am.  I think it is just a survival tactic. Ok, I have to break right now, I am actually sitting at home right now, chatting with an old friend  of mine, a special friend at that and watching my sisters and my niece at Joes Bar in Chicago while Jake Owen is playing live, I’m streaming it and watching….See what I’m talking about? I need to live a little bit more, school is over soon and then it is Sheryl time, time for me to finally take in life for me…Guitar lessons is #1 and then some fun classes.  I can’t wait!!! So much to do, life is good, I’m happy, I have made some much needed changes in my life recently and I know it was the right choices as well.  I will blog about that later.  For now, Curb your enthusiasm is on and I have a long day tomorrow and so I’m going to watch some TV.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sources for troubled times....

Over the years past 8-9 years, I have been faced with some very difficult times as we all have.  I could have just given up; throw my hands up in the air and settle for something in a world I didn't want to be in. Instead, I went and seeked out every resource, every opportunity that I could possibly get my hands on to feed my girls, give them everything that I could.  I had a guilty feeling at all times that they had to go through a divorce and deal with such a disheartening situation. As parents we want to make the best for our children and I felt like I failed at that, I know now that I was completely wrong but at the time, that is how I felt. There were so many hard times but I never let it show, never shared with anyone in my life for the most part and just did what I had to do.  I was working 4 jobs at one point, but never away from the girls, I was able to work different jobs when the girls were not with me, but I still couldn't make it.  That is when I decided to go to school and move forward at a fast pace. This blog is to provide some resources for help, right now is a very difficult time for so many families. The amount of help you can get also depends on the amount of income that you bring in.  To qualify for state help, you pretty much have to make 0.00 dollars and this is the main reason we have so many people taking advantage of our system. I have to stress, using resources is ok to do, but only use them if you really need to and not for an excessive amount of time and the number one important lesson in this is: When you are back on your feet, please give back everywhere you can, it doesn't have to be materialistically..donate your time and efforts back into your community. 
Seek your churches - Explain your situation, be honest and upfront.  I had a family adopt me and the girls and it was simply amazing, I would not have had a Christmas that year if it was not for them.  There are many families that do this.
Seek your townships - Although, any government agency right now is knee deep in people seeking help, but if you don't attempt, you won’t know.  They have a great Xmas program as well and so many communities and business's that donate year round. At one point, the township gave me grocery coupons and paid a car payment of mine
Seek your local food pantry - Churches also have food pantries, I don’t know what I would have done without this, again...this was so demeaning to me, but when I know I had three children to feed, I knew I had to so that I could pay the bills with what little money I did have.
Seek your Housing Authority - You will go through an interview process and you qualify depending on your income, at one point, they paid my utilities for a couple months.
Seek your school districts - School for our children is very expensive, call and fill out waivers for registrations, again this is based on your income.  
Seek your own Brain - Keep your heat-a/c down to a minimum, lights off when not being used, be creative in meals and make sure they are balanced well.  Don't spend because you want, spend because you need. Read your paper daily in classifieds....there are things that you can do. Even if it is one time, that is money you didn't have.  Focus on skills that you have and network to make money off of what you can give to someone else. I sold things on ebay, craigslist, garage sales...Remember: your junk is someone else's treasure.
Seek the internet - Even if you can’t afford it, go to the library, use friends or family...the internet is endless for resources. Please contact me further if you would like exact names and links and addresses.
It is not easy to tell the world what I went through, what I had to do to make it, but I never had to go on public aide and I only had to use these resources for one time or some for a short time. I did feel horrible due to the stereotypes that we have created, but when I looked at the faces of my girls, I knew that I needed to set that all aside and survive. I probably could have gone to more friends or family, but I needed to do this alone and know that I could survive and be independent and I did and damn proud of it.  I only share because I know that there are many out there that think things are impossible and I am here to say that: That is a bunch of crap! you are the leader of your own life and you create the paths.  Yes, hard times are not all that easy to get out of and they don't happen overnight.  I know...all too well.  I lost my home that I raised my children/ family in that I built with my own hands, that was my everything...but guess what? That turned out to be a complete blessing if you knew where I lived, my house was beautiful and cozy as hell, but not the surroundings as it is today. I had to go bankrupt due to lack of someone not providing as directed by the courts and I still face that as I sit here today. I lost all the material items in my life, but I still had my babies and myself and all in good health and despite all the bad negative things, we tried to keep smiles and humor and positive thoughts, that was not an easy task at all. My famous saying is “Everything happens for a reason and I can honestly say that for pretty much every bad happening with me, something good came out of it.  Maybe it is my outlook but either way, it did. I definitely made some bad decisions and was lost many times that I was seeking ways to fill voids, which was all just weakness and ignorance.  I see that now and that is probably what has made me who I am today.  I will say with complete confidence that at the point I am right now in my life..No one and nothing could ever break me down, No one and nothing will ever break me down again.  I feel stronger than I have ever; I have no fear of others emotionally as I did my entire life.  The self-confidence I have built amazes me.  I never had much; I think that is why humor has always been such a big part of me, to hide my weaknesses.  Humor now is just my happiness and just natural I suppose.  Today, I give back to everything I can, right down to giving that extra $1.00 at the register at the pet sore.  I am deeply involved in the local charity Walla-Pa-Looza as I sit on the board, hell I am not just deeply involved, it is a part of me and some of the closest and most incredible people one person could ever have in their life right there as one.  I donate my clothes, any items I don't use.  I give food for every food drive; I buy whatever I can with any fundraiser for local extracurricular activities. I help with advice and anything that I can.  I give back to my fullest potential because so many resources were there when I needed it most.  You have to seek all this; it will not always just come to you. You cannot lose the fact that you have to work for what you have.  Too many people love to take and not care to give back or appreciate what they are receiving, that sickens me. As we have all heard this before, Treat people the way you want to be treated.  This pays off. There is always alternatives for every happening in life, you just have to find it or better yet,,,make it! Make a difference or don't make a difference, but nonetheless Survive. I can look back now and smile, cry, regret but the mere fact is that I am where I am and I am here for a reason.  I have three amazing children and together we have conquered so much.  We have been through more than some and less than many but we did it together and learned so many lessons as a team. I have kept all my documentation on the resources that I had to seek out and I am more than happy to share and help out, that is what this is all about. (that was a rhyme and I didn't even try) lol. I will end this with a saying I end with one of my closest and best friends with everyone one of our conversations....."Heavy Metal"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Turning 40 and graduating with my Bachelors Degree in CIS and a minor in Forensics all in one day

February 27th, I will be turning 40 years old and also walking across the stage at DeVry University in Chicago with my BA in Computer Information Systems with a minor in Forensics. I'm quite proud but I think more relieved than anything....I went to MCC for actual classes for 1 -1/2 yrs. and earned almost 20 credits.  Being a single mother and working 3 jobs at the time...I just couldn't keep all of it up but that was a life goal and I was not going to stop.  I did my research, and decided on DeVry Online classes.  When I went in, only 10 of my credits transferred, honestly...I don't even think it was that many credits.  But DeVry versus MCC in my field was no question and the ability of taking classes online versus leaving my girls was also a no brainer.  I took the leap and from start to finish was only 3 years to get my BA; I skipped right past my Associates.  It was definitely hard but nothing that was insane at all.  I got it done, it takes devotion to go online, but being that I wanted it so bad, I did it and now I'm done!!! WOO HOO.  I am still going back and forth and back and forth about continuing and getting my Masters in CIS management, it will only take me about 7 months for that.  I think I will most likely do it but it is going to cost me more than an arm and leg, but going to school at my age and finishing made me grow so much.  I myself, feel I am a completely different person.  I still have the same qualities and personality most likely but my inner self and outlooks are completely different. I encourage anyone that plays with the idea to at least do your research and know what your options are.  I will be more than happy to help guide, as a matter of fact...I am doing that right now as I am typing (I am an avid multi-tasker, never doing only one thing EVER).  I have a very close family friend that is trying to do  this exact thing and I'm very proud of this person. It is never too late to accomplish what your goals are; it is not only good for you but good for people in your lives that you may not even realize.  My girls were able  to see how important education is and what devotion it takes to succeed.  We went from getting the majority of our food from Food Pantry's and Churches to me raising them all alone in a beautiful home with everyone healthy and happy and with all that we need in a short time.  I am more proud that they learned such good life lessons than anything else.  Right now I know it is hard to even imagine that anything can help for some to get a job at all and I agree, but times will get better and will turn around and there is going to be a lot of people competing more so than before.  Plus, having an education made me feel so much better about myself, I am the 2nd child of 6 and I never got good grades at all and really never cared., All my siblings are extremely bright and it was always hard for me because I wasn't (or so I thought).  Being on the Dean’s List at DeVry kind of proved that wrong!  I was an at home mom, raising my girls , it was not until my divorce that I had such a passion for education and so as I do with almost anything in my life...I didn't talk about it, I just did it. I am graduating before my girls enter college themselves and only by months...but I am and that was another part of my goal.  So, the meaning behind this is that....not just school but any goal you have is never too far away...reach for it as you would reach for anything you cherished that was ahead of you or falling from you.  Anything is attainable if you want it, it may be work...but we have to work for what we want.  So go look at yourself, talk to yourself and reach those at a time!!! Click here and maybe this is for you, maybe not.... And for fun here is a funny video for any WGN morning news fans....I can’t start my day without them....,0,6863032.story

McHenry School District 156 meeting.

Tonight was a special meeting for the McHenry District 156 Board to address some issues with the public.  I do not think they were expecting the turn out that attended.  Of course this is a HUGE controversy and will continue to be until this problem at hand is resolved.  I will say for myself, the Board did not have much input at all tonight, I don't know if they were caught off guard with the amount of community members or if they just didn't have the answers.  
It was a very knowledgeable and interesting night to say the least.  3 hours in the West Campus Auditorium.  For the most part, no tempers were ignited and all was fairly calm.  The bottom line was pretty much the same across the board of ... we have to find resolution.  We need to do this without hurting the children.  So many good points were made and so many offers were made from the community.  Some of the top local, successful business men and women were there, some spoke, some kept silent.  But, I will have to was inspirational to see all come together.  I will have to admit that it’s sad that it takes something like this to bring a community together to conquer such a feat. Obviously, we are all concerned and it is more of a problem than just our children being effected.....I just have to stop in the middle of this....if you know me well, and reading these, you will learn to know my craziness and random acts...but what is up with the CIA commercials on at night all of a sudden??? I don't know whether to be scared or what?  The whole job market in our country is at an all-time low and the CIA is advertising working for them on TV??? Goofy, I tell ya...GOOFY! Ok, back to the subject.  The entire community is going to be effected by this and in my opinion, we are putting so much energy into finding out why we are where we are and how we got here.  Does that matter right now really? What we need to focus on we fix it. We need to stop, focus and move forward with a plan that will work.  We all know that there is no plan of attack that is going to benefit any side one way or another, but nonetheless the issue at hand needs to be contained.  We need to ALL work as a community on all ends and make this happen.  It is going to be hard and challenging, but we have no choice but to be involved and make a change.  Please educate yourselves, be involved in this, for it is the future of your children, grandchildren, friends, and family. We can work together to make sure that we don't get into this position again. We have enough successful community members that stepped up and are offering the support of bringing new suggestions, knowledge and information to McHenry District 156.  We need to use these much appreciated resources immediately and battle this with full force. The position that we are all in, is by far, a very sad place to be, but is not the end of the world.  We will pull together and gain forces to maintain the community that so many of us have been raised in and are raising our families in and to bring the attraction to outsiders to join our community of McHenry. We can do this, so let’s put our mind, hearts and souls on the line for the amazing children of McHenry and give them all the opportunities that we all had to prosper in life and for the future of the City of McHenry. Again, please visit the links and gain as much of the information that you can so you can be fully educated on all sides.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Google AdSense is already paying off!!!! and so is my Chase Bank Account with Chase Rewards!!!

So , this is my first week and I have already made $25.00, is that no exciting or what?  I think it is...I have had many people send me messages and ask about certain things that I have written about already and some that already want information on how to do this....I am learning all the ropes and if you know me well, you know I don't procrastinate, I get stuff done right here,,,right now!! As my goal is to everyday toprovide a site for all to be able to benefit somehow.  What I really want to share is my bank...sounds silly but with hard times that we are all feeling, Chase Bank has pulled through and payed off as well.  I signed up for Chase rewards, this is just your debit card and you use it as credit instead and you receive points, 8 pts per $1.00 I believe is what it is...Well, i just never really pay attention to it, i pay all my bills with my debit card and all necessities.  I went and checked my points and I had 35,000.00 and that equals $25.00 per 2,500.00 so I have over $300.00.  Now you can shop with that, buy gift cards or simply fill in the dollar amount you and want and in two seconds deposit it back into your bank account.  How sweet is that?Who doesn't need free money?  I did absolutely nothing and not to mention that chase gives you $100.00 to open a checking account that you have direct deposit with, I opened two of them and have started a little savings account for both of them.  I just take $10.00 out of my paycheck and have it put into each of these and I don't ever pay attention to these and before you know it, you have a little savings for those just in case moments.  Another $200.00 free money!! The best thing is you don't even have to go to the bank, Chase is so high tech that you can open an account right now online.  I have been extremely happy with them, I would encourage all to go and open an account!! and I also got my new debit card today and it is an awesome Chicago Bears card!! Click on this link and get going Tomorrow I am going to be giving some information on monitoring your credit by watching your credit report.  I am not to proud to admit that my credit is horrible from all my series of unfortunate events in the past 9 years, so that person who stole my identity last year...Good Luck Dude, you not going anywhere with mine.  But I have turned that completely around in a very short short time as well, some work but totally again paid off very fast and did it all alone, no one helped and I didn't even read about any of this, I made my own process up! With a little strength and ambition for change...anything is possible, these are not just words I promise!! This is REAL!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Best Bargains in Burlington Wisconsin

Best Bargains is Wholesale Foodservice Distribution and Cash & Carry Outlet in Burlington Wisconsin , which is basically 2 minutes out of downtown Twin Lakes.  This is where we got our meat for our meat raffle for Jolly-Pa-Looza and it was such a great deal that I wanted to check it out for myself.  I got so much stuff for so cheap it was insane.  I was short on time so I could not take my time and totally investigate, but what I did grab was definately a "Best Bargain" . Go and check them out for some great deals.  They dont only have food but here are some other things. Pots and Pans, silverware, paper goods, toiletries, etc.  There prices on meat are quite insane and they have so many cheese's and boxed and canned staples in bulk and normal size. There are breakfast foods, snack foods, meats, quality $1.00 a lb.  for Real Roast Beef , Turkey, Ham, etc.  Excellent find.  In these hard times, we could all afford to save some cash for sure! Here is the site , check it out, I promise you will Thank me!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Illinois Child Enforcement Agency

Child Support Services
Well as explained , I am going to be writing about happenings in my life, but since I have a lot going on at all times and I am a true resourceful survivor, I am sharing all my findings and resolutions as well.  I will be providing links and information as I find it with blogs about it.  As you know I am a single mother and that is a very hard job, especially when you have an ex that does not live up to his/her do  you sit and whine about it?  Yes, you cant help that, but as long as you are being productive as well.  I let the Illinois Child Enforcement Agency handle the majority of mine.  Yes, believe me I have had my days in court and to be is truly one of my only fears in life,,,I hate the word COURT.  I don't have faith in the courts one bit...but I will say to you right now, the Illinois Child Enforcement Agency I DO! I just got a letter in the mail from them ... out of the blue I might add that they feel that my case needs to have action against it towards my ex, because nothing has changed in 2 years.  Meaning he has not worked in over 2 years and is paying me nothing and they see this as a problem...YA THINK?? so I wanted to make sure that all you single parents out there struggling,  please make this attempt to contact them.  You will get a case, I am here for questions, they have done a lot for me, they can take Drivers License, any license for that matter from them, lien property, take money from their taxes...They do all this and I can account for it!! They pull through and are on top of things.  Here is the link for their site, please don't hesitate, get it taken care of! and here is the state Dispursement Unit as well that you should also have part of your life  Don't let these parents get away with this, not only for the children but for YOU!!!