Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Cow Path or your Own Path

Life as we know it is complicated in every aspect.  Even if you have the most positive outlook on life and your own happenings, the fact that complication and hard decisions are on our plates as a daily event is inevitable.   How we handled them is where the difference is.  It is so easy to try and keep up with the constant competition of your neighbor, friend, co-worker and we all do this and my question is WHY? Why do we always subject ourselves to always trying to prove a point, always trying to mask our real feelings, thoughts, outlooks, etc?  The reason is because the majority of society is close minded and not opens to change and or any venture that is not in the “NORM”. 
I know that everyone has had their fair share of stress and life’s horrific events.  I will say that I have definitely had mine over and over and not to say that mine are any worse than the next person, but I will say…that I have had an abundance of unfortunate events one on top of the other for some time that seems to not want to stop.  Through all these, I have not let myself down or let any of it get the best of me.  Do I break down ever? You better believe I do and sometimes uncontrollably.  That is only human.  But ….. I pick myself right back up and make a plan.  It is simple for me to look at any event and say: Ok, this is what is here and now it is time to make it work somehow.  There is an option for all events in life, they may not be easy, in fact they may be so very, very hard and struggling..But I always try and look at the final outcome being able to be checked off as done and accomplished. (Maybe this is my OCD that takes care of that part). My point to this is that, so many people give up or find an out that is neither positive nor helpful in any way to resolve your issue at hand.  Always remember, you can do whatever and if you don’t find resolution…that problem at hand will keep resurfacing forever and sometimes it builds into a powerful event that will be harder and harder to break down.  I sometimes speak as if it is all so easy, but to me, it is simply.  I am a black and white kind of person when it comes down to it and if it is wrong…..fix it, if it is working….leave it alone!!
I have expressed my constant babbling about learning lessons and how many I have learned in such a very short time, I will again say this and I watch on a daily basis, people in my life never learning a lesson from their experiences and or life itself.  Is this ignorance or is it that they see it, but too lazy or strong to make a change?  No one is perfect and I am far from it myself of course, but seeing all this drives me crazy and the controlling person that I am as well makes it hard for me to realize that I cannot do anything about it.  I do try though for all people in my life, I never give up giving or trying to help someone find resolution.  This is just in my blood and although I have come to terms that I need to pull back on that a lot with so many situations in my life, it will always remain a part of me for sure. I will say it is a painful habit to have to say the least.
You see things in life that you never recognized or simply just did not understand, what my eyes see, is so many people following one another, or following a higher power in different ways in their lives.  Does anyone really know what they are following or who they are following?  I would bet that answer is a high percentage of NO…we tend to treat those extremely important facets of our lives as fads.  Research is few and far between on a personal basis, it is always easier to listen to someone else and judge upon their liking or decision and it trails down that path of constant followers.  This is an endless path of destruction.  One must always know what they are dealing with in all parts of their lives and that extends deeper than that as well.  We all need to start standing up for what we see, hear and feel and expressing it to our likings.  This doesn’t mean you have to be a big giant ASS, constructive criticism and good solid advice can go a long way.  Never try and stray a person, simply share your points and views.  Always be a leader that is one lesson that I have successfully taught my girls and I am extremely proud and happy that all three of them are such leaders and I take pride in that to the fullest!  It is a solid piece of your inner self that will take you so many places in life!
My writing on all of this is because I have gone pretty much my entire life not having the self-control of my own feelings and trusting in others and I have learned this just is not the way and it has steered me into wrong avenues and I have made that change and will continue to always make that change and learn and grown … in my world that is the only way.
So……..with that being said….just check yourself and pay attention to the choices and moves that you make on a personal level and move forward with your intuitions and I promise you will see a change that you never thought existed.
Stay alive within yourself and LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I follow Gods bread crumb path.....and i always have a smile.
