Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Trails ;)

Now that I have written so many blogs about my ailments in life and complaints, I have decided to stop all that and now that I have seen life in a different light, I need to start focusing more on moving forward with fun and adventure blog..  I feel I have lost touch with lots of people because I have been consumed with constant disappointments time after time in my life.

I am proud to say that after many battles and lots and lots and lots of hard work.  I am at a comfortable zone in my life for once.  I honestly will say , I have never felt this comfortable and alive.  I am working on myself now, trying to learn to relax and realize I do not have to be on the defense in several aspects of my life anymore and to just live for the day.  It is so easy, yet sometimes so hard.  I struggled for so long and I finally am reaping the benefits, of course I will not stop climbing, but I have my head out of the water finally. WOO HOO!!

It sounds silly but I read on Facebook, Twitter, any social media and read friends, family, coworkers, etc and see all the fun everyone is having and doing and I always question, how does everyone have time and stamina to always do things. I feel I am always flying all over the place and yet I never get anything accomplished in my eyes anyways. Well, I am learning that this is not the case and that I need to stop sometimes and enjoy and remember that everything will still be there after I enjoy some much needed time.  I think it is so easy for our generation to live this lifestyle, but I think that is why we have such a higher level of stress as well.  Time goes to fast to have to worry that the pillows on the couch are not perfect or that a door is not closed right or a carpet in the bathroom is not perfectly lined up on the floor, etc, etc.  This is my everyday events and I think it has consumed me.

One thing I have always cherished is nature and although i get out in it very much, I do not get out in it as much as I would love to.  My amazing man that has experienced so much  has started introducing me to new adventures.  I have always canoed in our own private lake, but in circles and on calm water, now that Bob has me out canoeing, I am in love with it! I want to kayak and start hiking.  We need to get in shape big TIME! I am not a working out kind of girl as much as I would love to be, but i have amazing energy and should be using it as somehow constructive to my own body for sure, so that is my plan.  My problem is that my plan never seems to come  I am so famous for saying, "Im getting up in the morning to go and walk" or "when I get home, Im going right into our workout area and getting it done, but....something always comes up and I find an excuse no matter what and this is a hard thing to break.

Actualy, right now I am stopping this writing and going to watch a movie with my baby girls.  Will be back.

Two days later, I am writing again.  I am laying in bed, listening to Robert snore away and just put the girls to bed and talking to my Tracy Sue Elizabeth Ogmonic and she is one special person, cousin or no cousin, I love that I have spent my entire life with her and that we have one another!!

We went to NIU tonight to bring Brianna, Pat and Paige (bri's bestie and roommate) their easter baskets and to take them to dinner and we got to see owls and we found (brianna) found a baby owl right there, it was incredible!!  WGN came back on DirectTV today, thank goodness...I hate starting my day without WGN news , they are so fun and happy!!

These new outlook on life is so enlightening, it is not even really a new outlook as much as it is reality that has slapped me in the face, learning who I am is such an adventure in itself.  You never know what life brings you and I have gone through some times, but I would not change a thing for what I have today as I sit here.  It is truly insane what you see and learn when you stop to really pay attention to what and who you are and what is happening around you for what it is.  Sometimes we get so caught up in the everyday chain of events, that we forget to see our own life and that is sad because it is a whole different world, so if you dont take that time, you really need to focus on that right away.

Well it is time to go and snuggle and fall asleep , Friday tomorrow and a nice relaxing weekend with my honey and Yes we are actually going to RELAX!!!



  1. Self discovery is awesome, isn't it? And you can relax on SaturDAY, but I really hope to see you out SaturNIGHT! ;) (guess who)
