We all have goals or at least we SHOULD all have goals. Are those goals all attainable or better yet, are goals just a vision you want to head towards? If that goal is something you feel so very strong about, is it attainable by your actions and efforts no matter what the circumstances?
I believe that you can get what you are seeking but I feel that in the interim of the process, you may alter your original vision, just to bring the goal to a realistic level. So is that still your goal because you are making it work in an alternative manner or was your goal not met or not possible to meet. An example would be my current situation. I have recently had a life happening that was completely unexpected and was/is such an intense situation almost immediately. The outcome that I am so deeply embracing has some definite bumps along that path. I have the choice of leveling out all those bumps and growing along with it or taking another path that doesn’t lead to what my wants and needs really truly are. My personality is to take all those bumps and dominate them. Especially in this particular event, I feel so strong, probably more strong then I have ever felt about anything. The only fear I have is most of my goals are personal that regard just to me, this goal is not that way. How do you attain something you long for so much and you can’t control the outcome because you cannot control another person’s strengths and ambitions. Although, I have complete faith that on both ends, this is the same much wanted outcome, it is going to be a challenging process at the least. But I also firmly believe that challenge builds an extreme bond especially when you are doing it together. Opening your mind to all possibilities that can transpire is the only way to be on a comfort level of acceptance. This doesn’t mean it makes it any easier, it is just a crutch for you to hang on to for support to get you through the hard spots that you know will be there.
Communicating is key; I say this over and over and lead my life by this. I am certain and confident that this is the reason that I always attains my goals. I am always open and real about what I am seeking with whomever or whatever I am going towards. This should not be any different with another human being. I seek discussion, conversation about all my feeling and premonitions always. How can you resolve without bringing concern to the table? I am not saying that pure action cannot resolve as well, but I work with assurance on both parts. It just solidifies a confident feeling or thought.
I am forced to seek much resolution and I intend to let my mind, heart and soul work with this to the fullest extent. The bottom line is: There are never any promises in life, but I will say that when something is right and something is good and brings happiness to many, then it is what needs to be done no matter how it gets there or how long it takes to gets there. True love means working together and leveling out those bumps hand in hand. With each bump leveled out, the path is extended…that is what it is all about. Although I have that fear deep down and sadness appearing here and there….The strong, exciting, amazing feeling of what I desire to be the final outcome by far surpasses all the negative. I will use my power of strength and ambition and master the meaning of attainable. I will have the outcome that is meant to be for me…for US. The time has finally here, let’s embrace and make the dream our reality.