Sunday, January 30, 2011

My new found goal/ it attainable?

We all have goals or at least we SHOULD all have goals.  Are those goals all attainable or better yet, are goals just a vision you want to head towards?  If that goal is something you feel so very strong about, is it attainable by your actions and efforts no matter what the circumstances?
I believe that you can get what you are seeking but I feel that in the interim of the process, you may alter your original vision, just to bring the goal to a realistic level. So is that still your goal because you are making it work in an alternative manner or was your goal not met or not possible to meet.  An example would be my current situation.  I have recently had a life happening that was completely unexpected and was/is such an intense situation almost immediately.  The outcome that I am so deeply embracing has some definite bumps along that path.  I have the choice of leveling out all those bumps and growing along with it or taking another path that doesn’t lead to what my wants and needs really truly are. My personality is to take all those bumps and dominate them.  Especially in this particular event, I feel so strong, probably more strong then I have ever felt about anything.  The only fear I have is most of my goals are personal that regard just to me, this goal is not that way.  How do you attain something you long for so much and you can’t control the outcome because you cannot control another person’s strengths and ambitions.  Although, I have complete faith that on both ends, this is the same much wanted outcome, it is going to be a challenging process at the least.  But I also firmly believe that challenge builds an extreme bond especially when you are doing it together.  Opening your mind to all possibilities that can transpire is the only way to be on a comfort level of acceptance. This doesn’t mean it makes it any easier, it is just a crutch for you to hang on to for support to get you through the hard spots that you know will be there.
Communicating is key; I say this over and over and lead my life by this. I am certain and confident that this is the reason that I always attains my goals.  I am always open and real about what I am seeking with whomever or whatever I am going towards.  This should not be any different with another human being.  I seek discussion, conversation about all my feeling and premonitions always.  How can you resolve without bringing concern to the table?  I am not saying that pure action cannot resolve as well, but I work with assurance on both parts. It just solidifies a confident feeling or thought. 
I am forced to seek much resolution and I intend to let my mind, heart and soul work with this to the fullest extent.  The bottom line is: There are never any promises in life, but I will say that when something is right and something is good and brings happiness to many, then it is what needs to be done no matter how it gets there or how long it takes to gets there.  True love means working together and leveling out those bumps hand in hand.  With each bump leveled out, the path is extended…that is what it is all about.  Although I have that fear deep down and sadness appearing here and there….The strong, exciting, amazing feeling of what I desire to be the final outcome by far surpasses all the negative.  I will use my power of strength and ambition and master the meaning of attainable.  I will have the outcome that is meant to be for me…for US.  The time has finally here, let’s embrace and make the dream our reality. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Choices....Good and Bad

As we go through life, we are on a constant path of choice.  It is our responsibility to weigh the good, bad and the evil.  What may be good for one might be bad for another and vice versa.  There are endless paths in life and they are never ending.  When we take a bad path, is this necessarily as bad as one might think or is the outcome maybe a lesson that we will use over and over?  Some choices are most definitely wrong as we know.  I am a firm believer in learning from your mistakes and I feel this makes you grow into a better person.  It may take a long time for this to happen and it may also never happen.  I, myself have made some bad choices and although I regret them, I most definitely gained knowledge that I keep with me.  It is so easy to make the wrong choice or the choice that is not really for you.  Is it love, control, sadness, loneliness, voids?  If you make a really bad choice, can you make it right at a later time or what about multiple bad choices?  Of course you can. Life is too short to not be able to recreate bad happenings.  Maybe society will look down on you, maybe you cannot reverse those people’s thoughts and feelings, but that is not what it is all about.  We are not here to impress others or live up to others standards.  You must live for what you need and want, always! Too many people live for others, striving to fit into this society.  Be Yourself and make the choice that is right for you and if it turned out to be not so right ~ then simply Change it and most importantly...learn from it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Date Night........pretty excited!!!!

This has been a funny week to say the least, with last night topping it off. We had a night out with just my co-workers (AKA, my guys). It was a great time and we have such a great group, yet we just lost one of them because he is moving on to further his career path.  He will be greatly missed, not to mention, he was my work husband :), but we will see him soon at his house when his awesome wife is making us all Gumbo (They are born and raised in Louisiana), Thanks CC for great laughs!!
 I am looking forward to a fun night with my sister Denise; she is taking me to the Sears Center for some Motocross???? Not me, but it is TOTALLY her, so I am going to have some quality sister time!! I am actually excited to put some different fun things into my life, so I guess this is the start! Moby Koleno is going with us and when you have a Koleno...anything can happen!!! 
For whatever reason, this was such an emotional roller coaster week for me, but in the end....I gained some more strength, wisdom and confidence....actually quite a bit of all of those, I must say.  We stuck to our new house rules that we all came up with, we ate healthy, got along, talked instead of yelling, did others chores if need be, made dinner instead of grabbing something because of time restraints and played games and worked out (ok, just Brianna did that). My sister Bobbi came over and had dinner and so I got to have some fun sister time with her as well. And, the baby of the family, little sister Carissa is coming home next weekend and we have not seen her since about a month before Christmas, so I am ecstatic to give her hugs and spend some good family time all of us next weekend! 
I still have some things that need to have some closure and I plan on taking care of the biggest one this week.  I have learned that you need to express instead of holding in or it will definitely wear on you, so instead of doing that, I say what needs to be said and move on. That is just how I work. 
I had another old friend come into my life again this week and it is funny how you learn things that you never knew about someone or someone’s feelings after 20 + years. It is always fun to enjoy those conversations and maybe even get a few butterflies......never any harm in those RIGHT? It is amazing how your thoughts and feelings can go right back immediately with no effort.  What does that mean really? Being single sometimes poses vulnerabilities that you may make some wrong choices on, so you need to always stand guard against your own self. That is another lesson I have learned through experience unfortunately, but again a good lesson learned.  
I have also this week (or maybe long, not sure) started grinding my teeth, what is this all about? I have never done this and I keep catching myself in the middle of the day, I am wondering if this is why I have not been sleeping so well. Maybe I am doing this in the night as well.  I am trying to focus on it, so I will stop, but damn it hurts a bit.  I just don't understand why all of a sudden I am doing this? Hmmm... Any insight would be great and much appreciated. 
I am still working on my new adventure into couponing but it is almost a full time job in itself and right now in life, I don't have the time to dig into so deep, but I am doing the research for sure. Big opportunities in couponing and very beneficial, so I will continue on learning. Or will I????????????
Ok, I need to get ready for my sister date and eat something before this caffeine takes over my brain and body!!! Have a great Saturday Night and GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Quite Adventurous Pole Dancing Saturday Night........

We had such a relaxing, productive, quality weekend.  But I must mention our Saturday Night Field Trip.  A good friend of mine Megan Miller started a new venture in life and it has already been an incredible success! Well ironically she started her business in a building that we own and soooo, we went down to toast to her Saturday night and check it all out because I simply have not had the time and every time I went there, she was out at Home Depot or somewhere.  Well I brought the girls with and when we walked in, we had no idea what our night was going to bring. lol.  Long story short, within the hour, my beautiful innocent little girls were actually swinging on the poles learning moves by the ever so talented "Kim".  We laughed and laughed and had so much fun.  I even was taking some lessons, although I learned that those poles take some major muscle to do anything on..NO JOKE! The girls were having a blast, honestly.... I have not seen them so interested in something outside of the teenage life, and then they were last night.  When we finally left, they could not believe the time they had.  They have still not stopped talking about it.  And the best thing is; in this short time there, the girls learned quite a few lessons.  See "Kim" is very open and very artistic and by this I mean, she is a tattoo artist and she has expressed herself through tattoos over her entire body.  To say the least, she inspired my girls because they learned that looks do not mean anything.  She taught them some life lessons in such a short time that I think they will keep with them forever.  This may all sound silly but as a mom listening to her children speak about this so passionately, it was touching for me. Kim gave my one daughter so much confidence last night that she sometimes lacks. For that, I am so very appreciative...I kind of felt guilty having my daughters learning moves on a pole, but I changed that real fast.  It was nothing about that at all, it was self-confidence, fitness and a "REAL" person teaching them, we were with my sister, mom and it was a great time.  If you have not heard or checked out this new awesome place, please do it!  Megan, again ... Thank you soooooooooooo much! I think you found your "thing" girl!!! And I absolutely cannot wait to be a part of it on a regular basis!! And I will be!
It is funny the places that life can take you and the effect that it can have on you.  I again had an awesome add to it all, another amazing happening that I had that brought a HUGE smile to my face :) Sometimes "real" feelings never go away no matter how long ago they are and why you ask? Well because they were and are "REAL”. Having that "one" person in your life that you can go to with anything and a person that knows  you and understands you now and the past 20 something years, and is there still 100% for you. That is something I hope everyone reading this has, because it is priceless. All I can say is: Thank you for being you!  With that being said, the teenage girl in me was out a bit all day today! Man........I always daydream and have thoughts of being able to go back to High School for one weekend, no worries, awesome feelings and great memories for sure! I guess that is what Class Reunions are all about, which brings me to also wanting to continue with some events for our class or in combination with class of 88 as well.  
Well, I am going to prepare myself for the pillow now, another thumbs up weekend and ready for the new week! Hope all is well and we will talk soon!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Our Community is Amazing...let me tell you about it!

It has been a sad couple of days watching close friends be in such pain.  It has also been just bad news left and right it seems, right down to dead birds falling from the sky...What is that all about?  As I sat tonight with my niece and we were researching the Craigslist killer (we watched the movie last night) and then reading on local news, I found myself surrounded by sadness.  I know that is how it will always be, that is life unfortunately.  
This led me to posting a status of me asking for some good news and it was a great turnout, not just on my wall but It led to several chatting sessions, several emailing sessions and before I knew it, I was feeling the complete opposite.  
Daily I am amazed at the people in my life and who and what they are or have become or are overcoming.  But tonight was different.  Our community is quite amazing, I am not sure if everyone realizes this.  We are a tight nit community that is constantly giving to one another, could you ask for anything more?  I see friends helping friends, strangers helping strangers nonstop every day.  It fills me with such happiness.  Over this past year, I sincerely can say that the majority of the people in my life gave so much of themselves to others.  I am so proud of who is around me, all of this surrounding us, makes everyone a better person.  To talk to friends that are going back to school, puts a smile on my face. I love to see people go for their goals.  To talk to friends that is reaching out for help on ideas for helping others, puts a smile on my face. I love to see others giving so much.  To talk to friends that just had a horrible tragedy happen and they write a message to you to tell you how much they appreciate you and love you , puts tears in my eyes and a smile on my face, I love knowing that friends and family know we are all there for one another.  All these scenarios happened to me just tonight alone and it puts life into perspective.  I truly believe that all of this rubs off on one another and it leads to an everlasting chain of giving, what a blessing! There is nothing better than giving and knowing you are making a difference and better yet, as another discussion I had tonight...what a way to show your children an incredible life lesson.
I also have to add this in here, of course Walla-Pa-Looza is a HUGE part of my life and one of my closest best friends: Craig Wallace, blogs every Monday morning on our website and they are great to read not to mention...we have such a great organization...Check it out:
A couple random things...I think I am grinding my teeth at night, I keep finding myself in the day doing it and I have had a lot of headaches in the morning lately...hmmmm any thoughts? And I want a bowl of cereal right now and.......try this...Google your name with Mchenry or whatever town you are in after your name under Google images...kind of funny or kind of scary??? 
Continue to give and help whoever and whenever you can and most importantly: If you need help, seek it out...there are waaaay too many people that want to give and help, no one needs to suffer and no one needs to be too proud to admit they are going through hard times...Speak up and a difference can be made! 
Smile and complete happiness I wish to all of you.  Mays/Freund’s and the entire extended family...we as a community are here for you and are here for you to lean on, we are all sorry for this tragedy you are enduring.

Good Night to all :) 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Much needed Changes I will do for the new Year!

I am taking a relaxing break today and thinking about things that I want to explore this year and came up with many new ideas that are just for me, but for friends, family, children.  I want to start a dinner club of some kind.  I am going to do some research into it for some fun and clever ideas. Not just for going out to dinner but potluck dinner club, I think it will be a great way to entertain together, learn new recipes and a great excuse for being together. 
I have already expressed my excitement for buying a guitar and taking lessons, I am so very excited about this, and I cannot wait to start. I need suggestions for where and whom I should be seeking out for my lessons.  I absolutely can't wait to play by a fire!
I also need to focus on yelling, although I know I am a good mom, my patience sometimes is one that could definitely be worked on.  I need to learn to count before I speak and I am hoping this will be easier now that I will have a lot more free time and less stress and constant pressure of getting things done.
This is a fairly odd focus as well, but I am going to start couponing a bit more for all parts of my life.  I just feel that there is so much saving out there that I can do and I intend on doing that.  Of course with all other aspects of life, you need to put effort into things, they are not going to just fall into place.  I see a friend of mine Rae-Ann Barthel posting her savings all the time and I intend on being able to do the same ( I think I will be hitting her up for the in on this, hope she is willing to share).
My finances in general are going to be on a totally different level.  I have always used tactics in the workplace that for whatever reason, I never bring home.  When you see your expenses daily, whether that is writing down your expense, entering them in financial software program (which is what I will be doing) or simply going over on a daily basis is the key.  When you see them all at once, it makes a HUGE difference. This will for sure make your expenses go down very fast, but you need to stick to it. Doing that and combining some sort of savings/coupons process, will result in more money in your pocket to SAVE, not spend but SAVE and INVEST.  It is so easy to spend and when you do it sporadically, you do not realize how much you really are spending.  It might disgust you. 
Although, I am quite organized in my head, I do not always follow through as I should with that organization.  I don't know how you are, but if I have a list, that list MUST get done. I will also start focusing on a structured organizational process. We all have too much going on and when you have a structure, you will get more done and be more efficient. I want to plan our meals, which I see a friend of mine as well do Vicki Schutze; she has made all dinners on the weekend and has them ready for the week (Smart move).  I think this will help with life in general. With all this and more, I know I will have more quality time for friends and family and more time for "ME".
I am so open for learning and exploring new things this year and here on out.  Life is a ticking and I want to get in as much as I can. I want to live LIFE!!!
I hope everyone gets to be and have what they want in life, if not ...reach your hardest for it and attain it, nothing is unreachable.  I firmly believe you can get what you want if you want it bad enough! Happy 2011.