Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Our Community is Amazing...let me tell you about it!

It has been a sad couple of days watching close friends be in such pain.  It has also been just bad news left and right it seems, right down to dead birds falling from the sky...What is that all about?  As I sat tonight with my niece and we were researching the Craigslist killer (we watched the movie last night) and then reading on local news, I found myself surrounded by sadness.  I know that is how it will always be, that is life unfortunately.  
This led me to posting a status of me asking for some good news and it was a great turnout, not just on my wall but It led to several chatting sessions, several emailing sessions and before I knew it, I was feeling the complete opposite.  
Daily I am amazed at the people in my life and who and what they are or have become or are overcoming.  But tonight was different.  Our community is quite amazing, I am not sure if everyone realizes this.  We are a tight nit community that is constantly giving to one another, could you ask for anything more?  I see friends helping friends, strangers helping strangers nonstop every day.  It fills me with such happiness.  Over this past year, I sincerely can say that the majority of the people in my life gave so much of themselves to others.  I am so proud of who is around me, all of this surrounding us, makes everyone a better person.  To talk to friends that are going back to school, puts a smile on my face. I love to see people go for their goals.  To talk to friends that is reaching out for help on ideas for helping others, puts a smile on my face. I love to see others giving so much.  To talk to friends that just had a horrible tragedy happen and they write a message to you to tell you how much they appreciate you and love you , puts tears in my eyes and a smile on my face, I love knowing that friends and family know we are all there for one another.  All these scenarios happened to me just tonight alone and it puts life into perspective.  I truly believe that all of this rubs off on one another and it leads to an everlasting chain of giving, what a blessing! There is nothing better than giving and knowing you are making a difference and better yet, as another discussion I had tonight...what a way to show your children an incredible life lesson.
I also have to add this in here, of course Walla-Pa-Looza is a HUGE part of my life and one of my closest best friends: Craig Wallace, blogs every Monday morning on our website and they are great to read not to mention...we have such a great organization...Check it out: http://walla-pa-looza.org/2011/01/03/new-year-new-blog-hello-2011/#comment
A couple random things...I think I am grinding my teeth at night, I keep finding myself in the day doing it and I have had a lot of headaches in the morning lately...hmmmm any thoughts? And I want a bowl of cereal right now and.......try this...Google your name with Mchenry or whatever town you are in after your name under Google images...kind of funny or kind of scary??? 
Continue to give and help whoever and whenever you can and most importantly: If you need help, seek it out...there are waaaay too many people that want to give and help, no one needs to suffer and no one needs to be too proud to admit they are going through hard times...Speak up and a difference can be made! 
Smile and complete happiness I wish to all of you.  Mays/Freund’s and the entire extended family...we as a community are here for you and are here for you to lean on, we are all sorry for this tragedy you are enduring. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Robert-J-Freund-Family-Memorial-Fund/174210569284032

Good Night to all :) 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheryl- I just spent the last hour reading all of your post. You have a way with words!!! After reading this post I think this had something to do with me also. I wanted to thank you so much for your help and ideas. We seem to both be on a mission to help others.
    Thank you again!
