Saturday, January 22, 2011

Choices....Good and Bad

As we go through life, we are on a constant path of choice.  It is our responsibility to weigh the good, bad and the evil.  What may be good for one might be bad for another and vice versa.  There are endless paths in life and they are never ending.  When we take a bad path, is this necessarily as bad as one might think or is the outcome maybe a lesson that we will use over and over?  Some choices are most definitely wrong as we know.  I am a firm believer in learning from your mistakes and I feel this makes you grow into a better person.  It may take a long time for this to happen and it may also never happen.  I, myself have made some bad choices and although I regret them, I most definitely gained knowledge that I keep with me.  It is so easy to make the wrong choice or the choice that is not really for you.  Is it love, control, sadness, loneliness, voids?  If you make a really bad choice, can you make it right at a later time or what about multiple bad choices?  Of course you can. Life is too short to not be able to recreate bad happenings.  Maybe society will look down on you, maybe you cannot reverse those people’s thoughts and feelings, but that is not what it is all about.  We are not here to impress others or live up to others standards.  You must live for what you need and want, always! Too many people live for others, striving to fit into this society.  Be Yourself and make the choice that is right for you and if it turned out to be not so right ~ then simply Change it and most importantly...learn from it.

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