Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Court or no court for Big Bird????

Not a big post...will elaborate later but for now

Court or no Court for Big Bird???? This is a huge decision for me, I have never taken him to court, but it is time I think and when I do something I am doing it big...no little shit! It is all or nothing and that means pulling out all the past chapters and dirt!!! hmmmmmmmmmmm. what do you think?  I now will have time to fight this battle but do I want that negativity in my life or just say......I have done it without your help, I will continue on without it...No money in the world can take the place of the respect and love that you can never take from me that our girls have for me!!!  Now it might be time for you to suffer!!!!

Hard decision....lots of thoughts in my head..............

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheryl,
    We haven't spoken since high school and didn't really know each other all that well then either but I feel that my two cents my be worth a little something here. I spent most of my adult life and virtually my childrens' entire lives in a court battle over visitation, custody and money. Not by choice of course, no-one wishes that for themselves, it's just what happened. 3 of my 4 children are now adults now and I have a brand new grand baby boy. The wounds are healed and the scars are slowly fading and we are all doing pretty well but I must heed warning to you, if you are going to take him to court, do it only for the right reasons! Do it because you want your children to be able to go to college or you want to help them buy their first car, don't do it for revenge for it will be you bringing the negativity.
    I do not know the details of your circumstances so I can only comment based on my own experiences, court is painful and arduous and, in my opinion, to be avoided at all costs. My youngest child has a different father than the other three and he and I have only stepped into the courtroom one time to enter an agreed order for child support only, since then the ADA has taken over enforcement and I have not had to go to court. I don't know if things are still being done that way or not but it's worked out well and he and I have a good relationship and I feel my son is far better off for it.
    I hope this helps. If you have questions or want to talk here or privately I am willing to share, I too hope that my story will help others. You can find me on Facebook :)
    -Kelly Talty
