Thursday, April 7, 2011

Decisions in Life

I went from thinking I had the worst luck in the world and prayed it would go away and always said that , "Someone must have something so awesome for me soon because I cant't handle anymore bad, sad, or troubled happenings in my life."  I felt I was being tested on an hourly basis and those of you who were in my life through these years can attest  that this was beyond  a true statement.  Well, not only did I get one awesome payback, but so many and they keep coming and coming.  Of course some being more then others.  I have had the most incredible man enter back into my life and I have never been happier or felt so complete.  I won't even get into that right now, but thought I would mention but really...sounds silly but it is way to special to even share.  You don't have to really understand that, but I we will leave it at that.  I have had to make some decisions lately, that have been really, really troublesome but I know for the best! It is funny what life can hand you in such a short time.  I have such confidence in my decisions usually, but this one is definitely one that will hang over my heart for a long time.  But again, I feel everything happens for a reason.  I now know that my future holds so many choices and opportunities for me and I intend on living actually really enjoying and living life the way I want to.  I am a simple person and enjoy the most simple aspects of life.  I want to embrace what is out there and take it for what it is.  I am making that decision to venture into my wants and needs and who knows where or what that will bring me, but I am soooooooooooo excited.  I have such an open mind for change.  I can honestly say that NEVER in my life have I felt like this, I know it is a combination of so many things, and really it doesn't matter, the bottom line is that I love what is happening and I finally understand so many things that I questioned before.  I have found the person that compliments who and what I am and I have reached some very big life goals and all of this together with my three beautiful girls and all their accomplishments have lead me down a path of complete satisfaction.  The inner feelings I have are amazing and I am still amazed on a daily basis to all I have been blessed with.  My blood pressure is down and my health is definitely for the better.  My life at hand, is the life I have dreamed about in all reality.  Finally, I have all I want but will always strive for the best for all that are in my life.  You do get what you work so hard for and life should never be underestimated.  Go out and live for what you love, not for what others love or for what you think looks good for society.  You are in complete control of your happiness and that means you live for your loves, wants and needs.  
Have an awesome weekend and remember to do things that make YOU happy :)

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