Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So angry, Vent Session in order!!!!!!!

I know people hate to listen to shit about other people's ex-husbands and lives and of course anything negative...but part of the reason I started this blog was for my own self and decided to just share with others my life happenings....so tonight you are getting some bitching and then I will feel better and move on.

As those who read my blogs, you already know I have an everlasting battle with my ex... Well, I should clarify that...he battles with himself and I just sit and watch! Do others have it worse? Of course, there is always worse...but guess what??? This is my issue and no one else's .. So to me, it is bad.  I make it in my life and give my girls all they need and then some. They do not go without by any means, but that is because I won't settle for less...I strive harder and compensate for WHO is not keeping up their end of the bargain.  

I usually blog and never use names or get specific for more reason then one, but I'm quite frustrated tonight and don't really care what comes out.  It is a free world correct???  

How can you first of all, not understand that you brought life into this world..Yes, you did! and it is your responsibility to be RESPONSIBLE.  Why is this so very difficult? WHY? You can't do it so you just sit back and don't work, spend what money you can get your greedy little hands on for going on over 3 years now?  Prior to that, you just simply paid what and when you wanted.  You have yet to pay for any medical bills let alone the court order that you have to pay for medical coverage all together that you haven't done either, the list of what you don't abide with is endless and quite frankly...I won’t' even put my energy into listing it, even though I'm putting energy into this, but it is for ME, not you...ME!!  

I play with the idea in my head quite often of going to court for the FIRST time that I initiate it in almost 9 years now.  Court we have been to plenty, but remember those times were brought on by you..to ummmm...well lower your support again and again and again until nothing and no work??? I don't want to waste my happiness and energy on a person that cannot own up to his responsibilities to his own beautiful daughters.  

Your first born daughter is going to college and you have not one clue about any of it, you would not participate, you would not fill out anything, you didn't share in one of the most important times of her life...How great that must feel, I am jealous of you! Don't worry; I am sure we can get you a sticker to put on your car that says you’re an NIU parent...so no worries! I got your back!!!

Let’s just go over a couple things in the 9 years that you haven't done
-Stayed home when children are sick - and 3 of those years you don't even work
-Pay for health insurance as court ordered - but....maybe a couple months you did...Your Awesome!
-Take your children to the Dr....Do you even know who their Dr's are??? 
-Sign one school document for all 3 children, for 3 different schools at any point - don’t worry, I didn’t include you in any of it.  Their grandparents, friends, aunts are listed...You know .. the people I can count on!
I’m going to just say this as well or admit this.....You are making me cry right now...why? because I care, I care that you make these choices that are going to hurt you or that are hurting you.  I cry in sadness for you! You can't go back on all this. As happy in my life that I am, I will never understand how this is how it is! It is beyond sad, beyond reality for me.  
I will now continue:
-Take the girls to the ER 
-I can't even go on, it is ricockulous

Oh - let’s give credit where credit is due for sure - You make lunches on your nights!! and you play games with them on your new iPhone's that you and your awesome girlfriend have. 

There is obviously much pain in this blog and I would apologize to all reading it, but this is real! This is my life! I DO NOT let it consume me in anyway, but when I walk in the door after working all day to start my 2nd job of being Mom and I get to see the mail  on the counter and see that coupon magazine business venture of yours (oh, how many of those you have) and know you are lying to the Government, lying to the state, and lying to the county, oh and lying to your children and mother of your children...it irks the living shit out of me! 

I choose to sit and watch because I won’t' let you drain my beautiful life, but I think things are changing in my thoughts....changing in my outlook! I will NEVER count on you, but I do believe it is time to start TAKING from you!!! The time of relaxing and taking advantage is over! I told you once, I won’t go small....I will go BIG and you have given me enough to go BIG on....you have no clue! My quietness and sitting back...was a front....I never stop doing homework! Even when it is not for school.

Happy Birthday on Thursday, I hope you have a great day! 

Oh and soon to be......I am honored to say that my name will be rid of Smith and back to Mayhew... That association is a killer.... 

SWING it like no other!!! 

Sheryl Mayhew

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