Now that I have the time to relax for the first time in so many many many years, I have had some time to ponder and process the actual "life" that I am living. I have gone through my life just chugging along and taking it on as it comes and conquering what is at hand. The problem is that I have never paid much attention to the detail of what I am living. Such as, politics, health, food, economics and all that has EVERYTHING to do with our everyday life. I have just been flowing with society and not even understanding the problems and sick happenings that are right in front of our eyes. I guess it was just easier to listen to other people’s thoughts and concerns and then simply place judgment on someone's wealth of information. This was such a selfish act on my part! You cannot make a fair and safe judgment on hearing or seeing a brief thought from someone or something else, yet I feel this is what so many of us do instead of simply educating ourselves to the fullest. After all, this is our country and the future of our children and their children. Don't you feel that you should know what is really going on instead of what is portrayed to us from the exact ones that are ruining us? In my short time of REALLY researching and taking the time to embrace the true facts of major issues our country has at the present time, is... well...pretty fricken scarey and what is scarier is that We, as Americans are just accepting what is here and not understanding the significance of what is happening and what is going to happen if we don't make some major changes. Those major changes have to be made with team effort and that needs to be done by educating yourself and making a move in the direction of a resolution. I won't speak of my recent findings and learning’s because I also feel that you should not speak unless you have the information to back your stuff up and I do not feel that I am at liberty, at this point to express any opinion in a strong manner. I would love to hear other people’s opinions and thoughts. Which brings me to another lesson I have learned and do practice and have always practiced on a daily basis and that is: LISTEN to others, you need to hear what other people have to say, even if you totally disagree, you still need to hear that thought out, then of course you can voice your opinion, but I always think it is healthier to discuss rather than argue and be negative, that is only going to make that opposing argument feel stronger.
Just turning "40" scared me a little bit and sparked a fear in me of health and how I take care of myself. With my ailments of allergies, respiratory and heart issues...I most definitely should be taking every opportunity to dig deep into the root of what I am consuming and what it does to me and this is by far a complex situation. I am a bit disgusted to say the least and I am in the process to make major changes all around immediately. I am pretty psyched about it for sure!!! I want to live the fullest life and spend as much time with my family and friends that I can. Consuming the everyday food as it is right now is not the path to that goal by any means. Again, this is a lack in knowledge on my part and I am lucky enough to have just the people in my life that are very educated and are going to change that all around. I'm more than ready!!!
My point to this blog is that we as a society and country need to educate ourselves and this is a serious matter, I am not just talking blog shit, this is real!! R E A L!! There is so much we don't know; it is YOUR responsibility to take the time to learn all of these and carry them to others as well and especially your children. So, if you can think you are successful, think you are doing all right, but whatever venture you are in will eventually be nothing if you don't take a stance. If anything, take 10 minutes to ponder these thoughts~~~
Sher~You can move down to Texas and live with me! I live next door to one of the largest local food markets in the area. Not to mention, that my own garden is quite large! I've learned over the past five years to only eat "in season" veggies, NO processed foods (except for my occasional Goldfish freak-out binge! What? They're baked:))), I try to stay away from fast food, I actually can't remember the last time I drove through a Mc D's drivethru...I stay away from anything that comes in a "package," and I eat very little meat.
ReplyDeleteNow, with that being said, it sounds like I'm a fanatic, which I'm not. Trust me, I know some! I slip, splurge and cheat, i.e. Goldfish, okay and Dominic's pizza. OMG, he makes true Chicago style!!! But, for the most part, my diet is clean & healthy. Mostly for my health. With maternal grandparents who both died by 50 with major heart attacks, a mother who was diagnosed with heart disease at 45, and me turning 40 w/ high cholesterol (hereditary) and high blood pressure, I HAD to make those life changes 4 years ago. For me, it is a matter of life and death.
That brings us to the yoga. My health (and sanity!) are two of the main reasons I began practicing 12 years ago. Two years ago, I decided I wanted to teach, so I enrolled in a Teacher Certification program, and here I am today, teaching yoga to others. Life is good.
I'm so proud of all you've accomplished in your life. I miss the devil out of ya! And, I so wish that we had more opportunities to see each other. Know I love you and I'm proud that you have finally found true happiness!
Ms. Candice Lynn....I swear we are really twins and our parents just won't tell us!!! lol. I love you and love that we are always on the same page in life and our love is so unconditional. I hate that we are so far apart, but we need to grasp that and use our technology resources a bit more to our advantage...I love you and love your thoughts and am so proud of you, you are a strong amazing women that I will always admire!!! MUAH, give all those Fites kisses and hugs for me!
ReplyDeleteDitto, sweetness!