Trusting your heart is a hard thing to do, I don't care who you are...Strong or Weak! The question I have is: Are you questioning because of your past or happenings in your life or do you question it because of a new inner feeling you have? Only if you take that time to really feel it and see all sides inside and out, right an left , up and down and grasp onto the feeling and play it out in your head before opening your mouth is what you always need to do and this goes for all your life happenings. The majority of the time, you can answer your own question, but you must take the time to see it first. Usually a gut feeling is something real, but the real doesn't have to be what you at first thought it was, yet something that is possibly the opposite.
I look back at the last few years and some of the things that I did or didn't do because I didn't take the time to play things out in my head. I do take into consideration, that my life was dramatically going through rough times and I know I made some little mistakes and some bigger mistakes...but nothing that was non repairable and I would like to think I repaired them already.
I have learned so much about myself it is silliness and not just from myself but SO SO SO very much from others. There are so many things I didn't know about myself or remember about myself. That is the beauty of keeping friends in your life forever, they share lots with you, well some do.. Even if they are thoughts that made you sad or ashamed and you regret!!!!! I still have learned more about myself. As a matter of fact, just tonight I learned so much from two people in my life... the lessons never stop! The funny thing is those two lessons were the complete opposites of each other, One made me sad because of what I did and who it was and the other was..Well let’s just say....I guess you could call it KARMA.... SLAP!!!
I still struggle with the fact of having overpowering faith in my heart, I think......or maybe it is my heart that is just naturally caring and nurturing and I always feel the need to make everything right...That is a problem for sure I have....I always think I can make everything better!!! I suppose that is a good trait to have but can be painful sometimes. Nonetheless (I like using that word) I know that whatever I do or feel, It is all from the heart 110% and my intentions are always good.
I don't really know why I wrote this blog, Ok...yes I do totally! Let's say I am so blessed to have the people in my life that I have. It is such a blessing to be able to bounce things off of the most important people in your life that give you true, educated and heartfelt advice. Thank you~ and you know who you are~~.... I am half asleep and this probably doesn't make much sense to all, those that really know makes complete sense! All I know is that I know my heart, I trust my heart and I will follow my heart and right now in my life, I know what my heart wants and I will fight tooth and nail just for it and why? Because I have played it every which way and the good by far weighs out the bad by a LOOOOOONG shot!
I have to go to bed...I’m going to end this with a link to a video~
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