Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Letting Go of the Past.....

Do you hold on to the past?  or better yet, do you hang on the negative happenings in your past?  I think it is healthy to keep those thoughts in your head, but not so healthy to dwell on them.  If it consumes you on a regular basis, you need to find an out to release these thoughts.  In my own personal life, this has been an ongoing matter in my family.  I cannot say that I have not fallen victim to this as well, but through my paths in life...I have come to the conclusion that these thoughts can float through your mind and soul like smog and cover up all the good things that you have inside you!  You need to release and move on, discover what you feel, take on the feeling and dissect it until you find the peace and then put it away.  Carrying it with you for so many years, is only going to increase its strength by you feeding it and it is going to get harder and harder to rid of.

I have just found in my own life experiences with very painful past memories, that they bring  you down, sometimes so down that you don't know which way is up anymore.  It took me a long time to figure this out, but I did and I am here to share this with you because I know so many people in my life that are doing this at this present and friends.  I know sometimes it is easier said then done, but really is it not.  It is all about being in control of you own well being and many of us are not doing that.

I also think that some will think that you need to hold on to these because they are part of what and who you have become, this is so true...BUT...those issues already made those changes within you, so now take them and understand that was the positive of it all (well that is only if, you are on a positive path).

Which brings me to: kind of a big life pet peeve of mine...although, I will admit that I played this card many times up until not too long ago. Maybe I am wrong in this matter, and as always .. I am open to constructive critisism. I frown on the excuse of people's ill actions in life on what they lived or learned.  Now..I can understand this to a point ...ok many points! But, there has to be a line drawn where the crutch has to be removed.  Using these as excuses for you actions or your behavior is so easy for one to do, but the mere fact is that you are harming yourself by doing this far worse.  One has to realize that you...yes YOU...are responsible for all your actions in life.  We all know what is right and wrong and we all need to face up to reality.  The excuses used as a crutch in life .... need to stop!!

So, obviously...this is something that is current in my life and I felt I needed to speak on it . So...I did!!!

My advice to all is this...Let it all go...I can promise you that the inner peace you receive from this by far surpasses that pain that you have endured because of it! Take it on and CONQUER!.


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  2. I used to use my step-dad for an excuse as to why I never TRIED, he was down on me, told me I'd never amount to anything....well, my sister told me I can't keep using that because I KNOW that's not the truth, he was wrong in telling me those things. I finally let that go. Unfortunately, when you're told over & over one thing, you DO tend to believe it, believe the negative too easy. And it is a crutch, one not needed but easier to hold onto than to change. I know this more now than ever.

    Letting go is much healthier, a much better way to live. It's hard, but can be done.

    I still have thoughts of the bad past I lived, but with help, support, talking it thru, it's not my center anymore. I KNOW I'm good, I KNOW I don't need to live in the past anymore, I KNOW it's not healthy and there is a better life out there, for everyone! Seek and the answers will be found. Thanks for sharing, Sheryl! I needed to read this today! One more step to being totally free!

  3. Lori, Im so glad that this helped you again. And girl, you are stronger than most people, you have overcome such feats and I was lucky to watch!!! Im so very proud of you and nothing can stand in your way anymore!!!!
