Sunday, February 5, 2012

Knocking down the walls.

Although I know that I have walls up to protect myself and my girls, I don't think I realized that some of them are so strong that I almost don't have the power to knock them down for my own self.  I have had them up for so very long that I am having trouble letting them fall.  At first, I was recognizing this and telling myself that "it must not be time to knock this one down or it would knock down itself"  My heart told me different and I soon found myself being combative with my own thoughts.  As i dug deeper and dissected this, I found that I was completely consumed with hidden pain and fear that I have hid behind this wall for approximately 10 years now.  Through my past relationships, I have let this be my guide and I followed my own insights to the fullest and I can say quite confidently that those choices were the right ones for the most part.  At this point, I know it is time to knock those all down; it is just an extreme scare to say the least!! 

With my recent unexpected rekindling of my once husband's relationship, (on a good friendship level) I very quickly was transformed a bit. Right away there was a lift of heavy burden off my shoulders.  I can't express the comfort this brought me. What I can express is that this opened my heart and eyes to the underlying reason for some of my behaviors that I have presently.  After much back and forth with this new change and many nights of complete confusion, this was all so very clear to me.  I brag always about my strength and although I take much pride in it...I know now that my strength in some areas may have been extreme weakness hiding out. I have a bit of time I am sure until I understand this fully or maybe not understand but am comfortable with all these changes.  As I type this even, I still am scared that I need to keep these walls up but I know they have to come down.  I do not know if the rekindle released the fear partially or if it was just a timing issue.

This past year, I have learned many lessons as I have expressed over and over.  I very rarely make myself promises, but when I do....I can guarantee I stick to my promise!  I made the promise that no one is going to control me or make me feel inferior any more...See I have this type of personality that can attract this kind of behavior.  I even have lived knowing this and continued to let it happen...BUT NO MORE!! Last year, I put a strict promise on myself that I will no longer let this happen and especially from loved ones. No one person is going to treat me like I am lower than them or that my words, thoughts, feelings or concerns don't deserve to be heard or felt.  I have stuck to this and it has changed my life in many ways.  It is rewarding and built my confidence level up even higher than it was. The reason I mention this is because this rekindling fell in the midst of this promise and although this is something that I have longed for , for a very long time....I will not buckle to anything that is not a comfort zone , because that would break my promise.  I need to put myself, Bob, Brianna, Bailey and Cheyenne first.  The rest will fall into place.

Back to the issue at hand about this heavy duty wall. I have let it down and it feels good, not great yet, but very good.  I still am combating myself that I need it up but I know it is to be down now.  The wall was up to protect my pain; I never wanted to be so hurt again.  I did let people in my heart and life because quite honestly I do let everyone in my heart and life because that is just who I am and who I always have been. What the difference is is too let someone into my heart and soul.  I can say that I have never in my life been in the place that I am in right now.  I can be myself, feel free, feel smart, and feel like I have meaning on this earth. (I could go on and on)  I have never felt this, and the sad thing is no one knew that nor really cared I believe.   None of that truly matters though anymore because I understand it all and I am not seeking out approval or feeling the need for resolution at all times with ones that do not see things for what they really are, instead only focusing on themselves and self-fulfillment. There is obviously much more involved in all of this and I share that only with the man that has held my hand along this roller coaster path of mine. He has not only walked with me but guided me with the knowledge and wisdom of his own path.  He is a HUGE part of my realizations because of the love, support and respect that I have forever looked for and finely HAVE.

Now with all that being said, I have much to work on to better myself.  I now see behaviors in myself that need some tending to.  They are not terrible, as a matter of fact, they probably are just as good as they are bad but I need to understand them and focus on them to make sure I am using them in the best manner. It amazes me how I keep gaining knowledge on myself daily almost.  It has become a hobby in some ways to learn about my own being.  I do not feel enough people actually take the time out to pay attention to themselves and understand who and what they are.  

I feel a bit empowered over these recent happenings and although life sometimes can be challenging and I have times that I question where and what I am doing, I have the confidence that I can stop and think my way through anything.  I slip up quite a bit I will say, but I know that taking accountability will make me seek out resolution in a healthier way for all involved.  I am working on that as well :).  

So, with 1:00 am approaching, it is now time for me to snuggle up and rest my mind, if that is at all possible. Tomorrow is a new day.

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