Monday, February 27, 2012

Oh how some need to come to realizations and just GROW!

So the last year or so , you have all read my comments, thoughts, learnings , pains, growths, etc.  I share them for a bit of therapy for myself, it feels good to release it and because of who I am, I always hope that I just maybe I will touch on someone's inner emotions that maybe need a little shove to come out as well.  I am shocked at how many people read this, but still shocked on how people comment only personally mostly. I see that as being scared to admit how one feels and no one should have to feel that way. We are all an individual and through all these lessons I have learned over my lifetime (but the majority this past year) is that no one is better then the next one.  If you stop and really, truly pay attention to what is around you and that includes YOUR own self, you will be amazed at what you can see.  I recently have noticed seen so many,.many people wrapped up in trying to be something they are not even remotely close to.  I am no genius by any means, and I don't always make the right choices but the difference is that I understand that completely and can always take accountability for it as well.

I always taught my girls and my nieces and nephews one lesson that all still remember and that is that you never let anyone get the best of you and you kill with kindness, that approach is always a great pay off because you are not feeding into negative behaviors by letting someone eat you alive with emotion.  I repeated this over and over and explained whenever any of them had pain put upon them.  I would tell them that the one that has to seek out someone to be their punching bag is one that is the weakest link that there is. This is the absolute only way for these kind of people to grasp on to any sort of self confidence by hurting someone else.  The sad thing is that they most likely don't even have the skills to see this or understand who they really are and what their actions to almost all life happenings really means. Is there any reason that one has to put such energy into someone else's world when they are not asked or when they have absolutely no idea what they are imposing on. Absolutely NOT!  So, you see, I am now learning to practice this as well at this time in life and so sad to say who it is I have learned this about.  Although the pain from this was somewhat incredibly harsh because it is family or so called family...I have grown so much because of it and I wish all could see and feel what I now can feel.  It is the answer to so many questions in my life and now it is all so clear.

As we age day by day, we do new things, meet new people and seek out daily goals, weekly goals, life goals and always move forward to where we want to be and in my opinion, we should be adding to all of those daily goals on a constant basis or how can you grow?  Growth has become quite an important word in my life and of course not for the word but for the meaning.  Do you really know what growth is, do you see it happening in yourself? It truly is a great feeling and I ignored this for so long, not that I did not grow in these past  years but now I understand the growth and use it to my advantage for the positive aspects of life and negative as well. I guess what I am ultimately expressing is to start paying attention because if you don't, it could be too late in some areas of life and who wants that?

I absolutely adore having the friends that I have and the majority of my family that thinks in the manner that is not self absorbing and egotistical. Of course I always have to express boldly that I have amazing girls and am so proud of each one of them and the man of my dreams that understands me beyond what I have ever imagined and I cannot even begin to tell you how many lessons he has taught me or how much he has made me realize but has made me the happiest that I have ever been in life.

Sharing my feelings again is a great way to release and I encourage all to just dawdle in giving it a shot, reading your thoughts as well can make you come to some realizations.

Just a tip: Even though pain can sometimes seem that is in the far depths of your core, remember that all life happenings have meaning and lessons and you can only see them if you stop to pay attention with not only you mind but your heart and always remember that you are responsible for your own life and not anyone else's.  Never speak or take the someone's else's life into your own hands to do what you feel you have any rights too.  Take that for what it means to you and devour it with thoughts.

Thank you all for a birthday that always makes me smile knowing I have so many special people in my life


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