Saturday, November 27, 2010

Illinois Child Enforcement Agency

Child Support Services
Well as explained , I am going to be writing about happenings in my life, but since I have a lot going on at all times and I am a true resourceful survivor, I am sharing all my findings and resolutions as well.  I will be providing links and information as I find it with blogs about it.  As you know I am a single mother and that is a very hard job, especially when you have an ex that does not live up to his/her do  you sit and whine about it?  Yes, you cant help that, but as long as you are being productive as well.  I let the Illinois Child Enforcement Agency handle the majority of mine.  Yes, believe me I have had my days in court and to be is truly one of my only fears in life,,,I hate the word COURT.  I don't have faith in the courts one bit...but I will say to you right now, the Illinois Child Enforcement Agency I DO! I just got a letter in the mail from them ... out of the blue I might add that they feel that my case needs to have action against it towards my ex, because nothing has changed in 2 years.  Meaning he has not worked in over 2 years and is paying me nothing and they see this as a problem...YA THINK?? so I wanted to make sure that all you single parents out there struggling,  please make this attempt to contact them.  You will get a case, I am here for questions, they have done a lot for me, they can take Drivers License, any license for that matter from them, lien property, take money from their taxes...They do all this and I can account for it!! They pull through and are on top of things.  Here is the link for their site, please don't hesitate, get it taken care of! and here is the state Dispursement Unit as well that you should also have part of your life  Don't let these parents get away with this, not only for the children but for YOU!!! 

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