Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jolly-Pa-Looza 2010

Saturday night was another successful event organized and performed by Walla-Pa-Looza volunteers.  I am proud to be on the Board from day one.  Even though we started this organization with of group of people that knew one another, we still are building our group continuously.  We always have new faces volunteering and making a difference.  Every event we have, I am amazed as I look around the room at all the different people, people who I knew from all levels of school, people that are friends or family of volunteers, other groups and organization that donate their time and efforts for all our events.  And when one of the strong, amazing individuals walk up to our events that we have been so blessed to have given our financial assistance to, it fills your heart and makes you smile knowing that what you are doing has made a difference in so many lives.
Our Walla events have helped so many, not only financially but mentally, when you have a local organization giving financial assistance to local individuals and families it is a constant reminder of what you are surrounded by and who and what your community is really about.  If you have not been to one of our events, I strongly encourage you to not miss our next one....WP3 on July 30th, the strength and unity is simply something you do not want to miss out on.  Not only are we "Raisin Cash for Cancer" but we are each "Raisin our hearts and souls to make a difference in a positive note....we build our organization on Music. Music is such an important part of the majority of our volunteers and we bring that to the community and make such an incredible event.  It is a great feeling watching Walla-Pa-Looza grow and grow and being able to offer so much more to the community and to the individuals seeking much needed aide. We work side by side year round and I can honestly say that I have gained friendships that are beyond just best friends, these are friendships that will last a lifetime. They are my family.   I hope that every person that is reading this, will spread the word and mark your calendars, check out our website, educate yourselves on who and what we are.  Come out and make a difference with us, and I say "us" because without our community and wonderful donators, we could not exist. I thank everyone who came out to Jolly-Pa-Looza and cannot wait to see you at Walla-Pa-Looza! ROCK ON!!!

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